We had another wonderful but very hectic and sociable weekend. I love them but I also love my chill time and there's been none of that recently so yesterday I had a slow day.
I had a relaxing bath after breakfast, did my hair, dressed and then went for a massage. I floated away from that and then spent a couple of hours working in the dining room beside the fire with the candles lit. It was calm and I felt so refreshed after. In fact, I got as much done as I would have if I hadn't taken the time out and just rushed around like a mad thing.
The 'time out' allowed me to recharge and made me more productive and today I was in the office at 8.30 feeling refreshed and even had time today to think about what I could do next. Now that's a luxury that doesn't occur often.
Don't let the rush of the days up to Christmas stress you out, be proactive and take some time for you, you'll benefit.
Putting systems and processes in place increases your efficiency and organisation. It's what forms those firm foundations on which successful businesses grow. That's my mission and passion. This blog shares with you my thoughts, strategies, tips and experiences to help you do just that. And don't be surprised if my walking finds its way in, after all it's often what inspires and motivates.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Freezing weather walking.
It was so cold here yesterday, yes, I know it is winter. But in the UK our weather has become so unpredictable that you never know what you'll get.
Given the choice I do prefer 4 seasons, I love to see that changes that take place in nature and I like the fact that a cold winter will kill the bugs and refresh things. What I'm not so keen is getting up in the cold and dark and last night I wasn't too sure I wanted to leave my warm and cosy office and go up the house to change into my walking gear and go out to walk for 2 hours. I knew I'd enjoy it, but it was just the transition time.
Anyhow, I did, well I had two clients who are training for the Moonwalk and we are now up to walking 6 miles once a week plus the other walking they do in between. I'm really proud of them and they are well on target for May 2009.
I pulled on the layers, really important especially in the cold as once you get moving, you might want to strip off a little. Also important are gloves, socks, a scarf and hat. If your extremities are warm you will be.
We had a great walk and covered the 6 miles in an hour and three quarters. It was clear and very fresh and everywhere and everything sparkled making it really magical. It was as if diamonds had been scattered over all surfaces.
At one point we ended up on a round-a-bout but there was no pavement so being on the edge of grassy area we took a detour to get away from the traffic and walked along a grassy track. As we were still close to the road we had light but what was wonderful was the crunch of the grass underneath our feet and the feeling of walking on unchartered ground.
Two hours goes very quickly when you have good company and we chat about everything putting the world to right as we go. At this time of the year every week supplies us with new Christmas sights of trees and garden decorations, some very tasteful and elegant where others leave a lot to be desired ...... and then of course there are the houses across the street from each other in competition. All good amusement.
So if you thought walking in the dark in the cold was a no no, think again....and there's always a good hot meal to come home to and a glass of wine!
Given the choice I do prefer 4 seasons, I love to see that changes that take place in nature and I like the fact that a cold winter will kill the bugs and refresh things. What I'm not so keen is getting up in the cold and dark and last night I wasn't too sure I wanted to leave my warm and cosy office and go up the house to change into my walking gear and go out to walk for 2 hours. I knew I'd enjoy it, but it was just the transition time.
Anyhow, I did, well I had two clients who are training for the Moonwalk and we are now up to walking 6 miles once a week plus the other walking they do in between. I'm really proud of them and they are well on target for May 2009.
I pulled on the layers, really important especially in the cold as once you get moving, you might want to strip off a little. Also important are gloves, socks, a scarf and hat. If your extremities are warm you will be.
We had a great walk and covered the 6 miles in an hour and three quarters. It was clear and very fresh and everywhere and everything sparkled making it really magical. It was as if diamonds had been scattered over all surfaces.
At one point we ended up on a round-a-bout but there was no pavement so being on the edge of grassy area we took a detour to get away from the traffic and walked along a grassy track. As we were still close to the road we had light but what was wonderful was the crunch of the grass underneath our feet and the feeling of walking on unchartered ground.
Two hours goes very quickly when you have good company and we chat about everything putting the world to right as we go. At this time of the year every week supplies us with new Christmas sights of trees and garden decorations, some very tasteful and elegant where others leave a lot to be desired ...... and then of course there are the houses across the street from each other in competition. All good amusement.
So if you thought walking in the dark in the cold was a no no, think again....and there's always a good hot meal to come home to and a glass of wine!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
The power of the walk.
Through a google alert this morning my attention was drawn to the following blog and I wanted to share this excerpt with you as it resonates so strongly with me.
Ditch the stress and walk.
'I was returning to work after lunch today and realized just how much I like walking instead of using my car. It is much more relaxing then sitting at red lights and having to deal with other drivers. Unfortunately most people’s routines fall into our on-the-go lifestyle that our society has created and I think it weighs very heavily on work related stress and our health. As I walk home it gives me time to relax and think about other aspects of my life outside of work. The exercise is an added bonus, plus the fresh air.
Selfishly I also wish more people had the ability to walk because then I would be breathing in less exhaust from cars passing by. Maybe I would even meet a few new faces and exchange in some light friendly conversation. If people walked between work and home, maybe it would allow more time to connect with the natural world and develop a few more environmental advocates. I challenge you to examine your day and add up all of the hours you spend inside a building or car; you may be surprised by how little of your day is spent in nature. It this is not the case, then consider yourself one of the lucky ones.'
I often coach my clients about the need to transition from work to home and this is just such a great way to do it. It gives you some space to think through and deal with the work issues that may have impacted upon you and allow you to deal with them and then set aside before getting home.
To read more of this blog and to catch more input click on :-
Ditch the stress and walk.
'I was returning to work after lunch today and realized just how much I like walking instead of using my car. It is much more relaxing then sitting at red lights and having to deal with other drivers. Unfortunately most people’s routines fall into our on-the-go lifestyle that our society has created and I think it weighs very heavily on work related stress and our health. As I walk home it gives me time to relax and think about other aspects of my life outside of work. The exercise is an added bonus, plus the fresh air.
Selfishly I also wish more people had the ability to walk because then I would be breathing in less exhaust from cars passing by. Maybe I would even meet a few new faces and exchange in some light friendly conversation. If people walked between work and home, maybe it would allow more time to connect with the natural world and develop a few more environmental advocates. I challenge you to examine your day and add up all of the hours you spend inside a building or car; you may be surprised by how little of your day is spent in nature. It this is not the case, then consider yourself one of the lucky ones.'
I often coach my clients about the need to transition from work to home and this is just such a great way to do it. It gives you some space to think through and deal with the work issues that may have impacted upon you and allow you to deal with them and then set aside before getting home.
To read more of this blog and to catch more input click on :-
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I wear it well - sometimes.
Reviewing some photos from the recent Professional Speakers Association (PSA) Convention which was the last event in Alan's year as President and found one of me in my finery as opposed to the walking gear that I am usually in when photos of me appear in this blog. What do you think?

It was so lovely to have an excuse to dress up and I felt so good. I also felt very appreciated when Alan thanked me from the stage for all my support. It came as a complete surprise and I got all emotional. It's just something I do and often it's just Ellie and me when he travels so we have good girlie time, yet, it was so nice for him to recognise my contribution. Just another one of the reasons I married this man.
Alan's had a great year and it was fitting that it ended on such a high. I'm so proud of him. Everyone now keeps asking about me having him at home. Don't believe it, he'll be off speaking throughout the world as usual. More excuses for dressing up in Phoenix in July next year!!
It was so lovely to have an excuse to dress up and I felt so good. I also felt very appreciated when Alan thanked me from the stage for all my support. It came as a complete surprise and I got all emotional. It's just something I do and often it's just Ellie and me when he travels so we have good girlie time, yet, it was so nice for him to recognise my contribution. Just another one of the reasons I married this man.
Alan's had a great year and it was fitting that it ended on such a high. I'm so proud of him. Everyone now keeps asking about me having him at home. Don't believe it, he'll be off speaking throughout the world as usual. More excuses for dressing up in Phoenix in July next year!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Take your problems for a walk
Yes, that's right. Comfortable shoes and layers to keep you warm and go walk.
Due to it's meditational qualities, walking gets us into a rhythm both physically and mentally and it puts things into perspective and enables to think more widely and more clearly.
The act of walking in the fresh helps clear our heads so there is room to mull over the problems and challenges and the scenery acts to inspire and motivate.
Listen to what is coming to you as you walk and I bet you come back with a solution or at least more calmness and peace in which to finally work it out.
If you can't work things out alone, how about some 'walk and talk' - http://www.walkerscoach.com/walk_and_talk.htm
Helpful additions to yesterdays blog.
In case you don't get round to reading blog comments, this one from Darlene was too helpful to miss so here you are.
I am a definite chocoholic. I find though, that if I stick to dark chocolate I only need a very little. It's the Christmas chocolates that do me in.
According to the site: http://www.naturopathyworks.com/pages/cravings.php Chocolate cravings are a sign of the body's need for Magnesium, and that they can be calmed by eating Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits.
And according to http://www.brainready.com/blog/the_top_5_brain_health_food.html good quality chocolate is excellent for keeping the brain healthy.
They also say in this article: http://www.brainready.com/blog/walk_your_brain_to_health.html that 15 minutes of walking a day is also very beneficial to brain health.
Anyway, thanks for all your great info. I really enjoy reading it. Darlene
....and I really appreciate your input and all this guidance.
I am a definite chocoholic. I find though, that if I stick to dark chocolate I only need a very little. It's the Christmas chocolates that do me in.
According to the site: http://www.naturopathyworks.com/pages/cravings.php Chocolate cravings are a sign of the body's need for Magnesium, and that they can be calmed by eating Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits.
And according to http://www.brainready.com/blog/the_top_5_brain_health_food.html good quality chocolate is excellent for keeping the brain healthy.
They also say in this article: http://www.brainready.com/blog/walk_your_brain_to_health.html that 15 minutes of walking a day is also very beneficial to brain health.
Anyway, thanks for all your great info. I really enjoy reading it. Darlene
....and I really appreciate your input and all this guidance.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Want to kick your chocolate habit? Read on.....

I know, you love chocolate and if you could have a square or two at a time and leave the rest for later that would be great but it doesn't quite work that way does it? Well it doesn't for me and I guess there are a few of you out there who'd agree. If a box of chocolates gets opened in our house, just watch them go.....
Perhaps this research is just what you need then.
It was carried out at the University of Exeter and resulted in the finding that walking
Researchers at the University of Exeter have found that walking for just fifteen minutes can reduce chocolate cravings. The benefits of exercise in helping people manage dependencies is not new, it's been recognised to have a positive effect on cravings for nicotine and other drugs but not food cravings until now.
Researchers at the University of Exeter have found that walking for just fifteen minutes can reduce chocolate cravings. The benefits of exercise in helping people manage dependencies is not new, it's been recognised to have a positive effect on cravings for nicotine and other drugs but not food cravings until now.
Twenty five regular chocolate eaters stopped eating chocolate for three days and then either rested or walked for 15 minutes. After that they were given tasks that would normally make them crave chocolate. Those who had exercised reported lower levels of craving.
Professor Adrian Taylor commented that "Neuroscientists have suggested common processes in the reward centres of the brain between drug and food addictions, and it may be that exercise effects brain chemicals that help to regulate mood and cravings. This could be good news for people who struggle to manage their cravings for sugary snacks and want to lose weight."
Apparently previous research has suggested that 97% of women and 68% of men experience food cravings and the food they want tends to be high in calories, fatty or sugary foods, with chocolate being the most commonly reported. Chocolate has a number of biologically active constituents that temporarily enhance our mood with a result that eating it can become a habit, particularly when we are under stress and when it is readily available, and perhaps when we are least active.
Ring any bells for you? It does for me.
Of course in small doses it's fine but too much does us no favours at all. As dark chocolate in small doses could be beneficial for your heart, try what I do and break it up into 2 square servings and put in a container in the fridge. In this way I find this amount satisfies me and I don't need more. That coupled with a walk which gets all the positive endorphins going may just be what you need.
Try it out and let me know how you get on and keep up to date with http://www.walkerscoach.com/
Monday, November 17, 2008
Big gap
I knew it had been a while but got rather a surprise when I realised that it had been so long since I'd blogged.
November has been an interesting month, no let's not go there, it's basically not been a very good one. We all have them - bad times or down times - and they're all part of life's journey and the best thing to do is go through them.
I've felt pretty down at times and that's led me to do a lot of questioning about where I am, what I'm doing, whether it's working etc. Not sure I've got the answer yet but I have been making changes.
It's hard work but regular evaluation and review is important. Are you doing this? Mine was sort of forced upon me this - I usually do this at new year time - so the good thing this year is that I'm one step ahead. Now I just need to make sure I put it into practice.
You know when I started my personal development journey, I naively thought that I'd fix a,b and c and that would be great. Oh dear, the more you look into the more there is to deal with and consider and I now know that the journey never ends.
Am I sorry I started it? No, not at all. I am a much better person now and someone who knows myself pretty well.
Does it make life easier? Well, yes and no. I know what I want and what to do to get there so I don't settle for second best and that can be hard but I'm comfortable being me and I have more confidence etc and I do what I love most of the time.
..and I've got really good at reading the signs and responding. Are you on your journey? Do you want a companion? Can I help?
November has been an interesting month, no let's not go there, it's basically not been a very good one. We all have them - bad times or down times - and they're all part of life's journey and the best thing to do is go through them.
I've felt pretty down at times and that's led me to do a lot of questioning about where I am, what I'm doing, whether it's working etc. Not sure I've got the answer yet but I have been making changes.
It's hard work but regular evaluation and review is important. Are you doing this? Mine was sort of forced upon me this - I usually do this at new year time - so the good thing this year is that I'm one step ahead. Now I just need to make sure I put it into practice.
You know when I started my personal development journey, I naively thought that I'd fix a,b and c and that would be great. Oh dear, the more you look into the more there is to deal with and consider and I now know that the journey never ends.
Am I sorry I started it? No, not at all. I am a much better person now and someone who knows myself pretty well.
Does it make life easier? Well, yes and no. I know what I want and what to do to get there so I don't settle for second best and that can be hard but I'm comfortable being me and I have more confidence etc and I do what I love most of the time.
..and I've got really good at reading the signs and responding. Are you on your journey? Do you want a companion? Can I help?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ease the unease
I've not been in a good place today and it's made me do some real soul searching.
In there are all the little niggly things that 'should' be deal with and that are hanging over my head. They're things that are not top in prioritising and so get shunted up and down the list but they come back to cause unease on a regular basis.
What are the niggly things in your life? Whar are you piutting up with? What are you tolerating? Yes, you.
I'd be really surprised if you said nothing. In fact I'd be in awe of you and want to know how you do it because in my experience most of us are tolerating a whole list of things.
It's likely to be things like - the screw that needs put back in place; that ‘space’ that needs clearing out; the lamp that needs fixing, the email you need to send.
For me, at the moment they include - the pump for the table fountain that needs finding so I can get it working, the article I need to write, the paperwork that needs sorting and the lamp that needs fixing. These things creep up on me regularly and they take up space in my head and drain my energy. How good would I feel to have them out of my way and out of my head?
So, here's a suggestion - make a list of all the things that you know you are tolerating and then make an action plan to deal with them. One by one or a couple at a time and 'do it'.
Just imagine how good it will feel to have ticked them all of the list and how proud you'll be of yourself for doing it. You’ll feel successful, in control and energised.
OK, off you go and feel free to post your achievements.
In there are all the little niggly things that 'should' be deal with and that are hanging over my head. They're things that are not top in prioritising and so get shunted up and down the list but they come back to cause unease on a regular basis.
What are the niggly things in your life? Whar are you piutting up with? What are you tolerating? Yes, you.
I'd be really surprised if you said nothing. In fact I'd be in awe of you and want to know how you do it because in my experience most of us are tolerating a whole list of things.
It's likely to be things like - the screw that needs put back in place; that ‘space’ that needs clearing out; the lamp that needs fixing, the email you need to send.
For me, at the moment they include - the pump for the table fountain that needs finding so I can get it working, the article I need to write, the paperwork that needs sorting and the lamp that needs fixing. These things creep up on me regularly and they take up space in my head and drain my energy. How good would I feel to have them out of my way and out of my head?
So, here's a suggestion - make a list of all the things that you know you are tolerating and then make an action plan to deal with them. One by one or a couple at a time and 'do it'.
Just imagine how good it will feel to have ticked them all of the list and how proud you'll be of yourself for doing it. You’ll feel successful, in control and energised.
OK, off you go and feel free to post your achievements.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Here's to 'chill' time.
Have just had a really chilled weekend.
We were childless as Ellie had gone off to stay with some friends and Alan and I decided not to plan at all but just to 'do' what we felt like. It was bliss. We took time to enjoy breakfast, we talked, cooked a wonderful meal on Saturday night and caught up on a film or two.
He ran, I walked, we slept long, we wandered round the house and decided what things needed to do done - that really made me feel great as I had been feeling a little out of control re the house - now we just need to put a time line on it all.
I recommend it. If you manage to have a weekend for you or you and a partner, really do what you want to. Ditch the cleaning, get rid of the 'we shoulds' and chill. W don't do it enough.
We were childless as Ellie had gone off to stay with some friends and Alan and I decided not to plan at all but just to 'do' what we felt like. It was bliss. We took time to enjoy breakfast, we talked, cooked a wonderful meal on Saturday night and caught up on a film or two.
He ran, I walked, we slept long, we wandered round the house and decided what things needed to do done - that really made me feel great as I had been feeling a little out of control re the house - now we just need to put a time line on it all.
I recommend it. If you manage to have a weekend for you or you and a partner, really do what you want to. Ditch the cleaning, get rid of the 'we shoulds' and chill. W don't do it enough.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Trips away and that little bit of guilt.
France and Italy in the last couple of weeks - I feel rather spoiled and a little guilty.......but why?
I know I work hard, I know that I do more than 40 hours per week so why do I feel that little guilt from being away?
The first trip to France was work. As some of you know I was starting on, what I hope will be, a continued journey for a number of years as I complete the Camino de Compostella. It's 500+ miles long and in 4 days we did about 65, so a while to go yet.
How was it work? Well as the Walkers' Coach one of the things I do is train people to do treks - how credible would I be if my last trek was 10 years before? When I trek I have to up my fitness and training, all things that I can share. I also find out about new walks and treks and am able to advise and guide from a knowledgeable place.
This was taken early on a cold and frosty morning. It was clear and beautiful and this is work!!
I believe my guilt comes from doing what I love as it doesn't seem as if it's 'Work' but then that says a lot about how society defines 'work'. Why can't it be something you love?
I've always enjoyed my jobs but now I love what I do all the time. Even getting up at 7.00a.m. on a cold wet morning to walk is fine.
I'm hoping now-a-days that more and more of us can but I'm not convinced. From a career development point of view, and I still coach a lot of people on this in our "walk and talk" sessions, there are still too many people who hate their jobs and others who don't like their lives. To them I am in the minority and so lucky .... but then I've designed it this way. It took time but I got there and others can do so too.
Only you can change that so come on, be good to yourself. It may take a while but invest in you and get the life you want and deserve. You'll be much happier.
As for me..... the second break was pure holiday and just as much fun.
A view down the river in Florence with the Ponte Veccio in the foreground
The only guilt I feel there was work related as in having to not run some of my walks twice in one month. A staffing issue really and one I need to sort. Then perhaps the guilt will go. You know, now that I know what it is, I can deal with it.
What are you feeling guilty about? How can you change it? What action do you need to take? Go on, take it.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Chilled weekend.
I spent the weekend with a very dear friend and it was bliss. No deadlines, nothing that had to be done and lots of time to chat and 'be'.
This friend runs her own company, also has a small B&B facility and puts me to shame with her ability to keep up to date with all the people she does. OK, she doesn't have a husband and child but in my opinion, she needs to slow down a little. her daily schedule exhausts me.
When we get together, not often enough, the reason is often for a celebratory dinner for birthdays or Christmas or we may be in each others homes a a dinner party etc. All lovely occasions but often following a time line or so full of other people that no real in depth conversation takes place.
In fact this weekend we were meant to be off at a spa celebrating the 'Big 50' which happened to each of us in July but due to circumstances we ended up in London instead with me heading over to Elaine's. I really believe the chilled weekend we had instead was just as beneficial as the spa.
We wandered, we lunched, we bought things in the market and mooched round little shops. We visited some artists who were part of an open house weekend, we drank champagne to celebrate and feasted on Elaine's amazing food. We slept for hours - when was the last time I woke at 9.20, we had a leisurely breakfast, we went for a walk and mooched round some more shops, had coffee and lay on the grass in the sun. ....and we talked and talked and talked. It was bliss.
As I lay on the grass the view above my head was of this beautiful tree .....
and the common was full of people enjoying the late summer sun.
The weekend was one of the best I've had for ages and if you're on a budget it was really very cheap and could have been more so. I feel so refreshed and recharged, watch out week.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Athena - fantastic for networking.
Just over a year ago I joined the Athena Network and what a top move that was.
Ever since I started up in my own business I've attended networking events and at the beginning I tried out all that came along. If you're in the same situation or even if you've been in business for a while and not really got into networking I suggest you follow this path.
We're all different and we all have different ways of doing things, different styles, different needs and trying out a variety of networking opportunities allows you to explore what's out there and also find out what works best for you.
On offer at present are breakfast meetings, lunchtime do's and evening events. Some are formal, others not structured at all; some are mixed and others women only. Some offer one type of event and others can offer a mix of options.
Athena is a women only networking organisation - http://www.theathenanetwork.com/ and I love it. We meet for lunch once a month and give up two hours of our time. There's half an hour informal networking at the beginning and then we sit down to lunch and follow a structure during that time which allows every one to say a bit about their business and we also have a networking slot and a business slot.
I have done work with about 50% of the women in my group in some way or another and all those experiences have been great. I meet up for one to ones over coffee and would recommend the services of everyone of my colleagues.
I have met and developed great friendships and working relationships with all the women in my group and from them I get support, the opportunity to bounce ideas, help with promoting my business etc.
Yesterday every bit of feedback from the visitors talked about the vibrancy of the group, the energy and the professionalism, just what you want. Find out where your nearest Athena is and get along for a visit - http://www.theathenanetwork.com/
Ever since I started up in my own business I've attended networking events and at the beginning I tried out all that came along. If you're in the same situation or even if you've been in business for a while and not really got into networking I suggest you follow this path.
We're all different and we all have different ways of doing things, different styles, different needs and trying out a variety of networking opportunities allows you to explore what's out there and also find out what works best for you.
On offer at present are breakfast meetings, lunchtime do's and evening events. Some are formal, others not structured at all; some are mixed and others women only. Some offer one type of event and others can offer a mix of options.
Athena is a women only networking organisation - http://www.theathenanetwork.com/ and I love it. We meet for lunch once a month and give up two hours of our time. There's half an hour informal networking at the beginning and then we sit down to lunch and follow a structure during that time which allows every one to say a bit about their business and we also have a networking slot and a business slot.
I have done work with about 50% of the women in my group in some way or another and all those experiences have been great. I meet up for one to ones over coffee and would recommend the services of everyone of my colleagues.
I have met and developed great friendships and working relationships with all the women in my group and from them I get support, the opportunity to bounce ideas, help with promoting my business etc.
Yesterday every bit of feedback from the visitors talked about the vibrancy of the group, the energy and the professionalism, just what you want. Find out where your nearest Athena is and get along for a visit - http://www.theathenanetwork.com/
Monday, September 22, 2008
The power of two....or more
Ever been in the position of wanting to do something but feeling nervous about it?
Perhaps you'll have to go somewhere you don't know and you're afraid of getting lost. Perhaps you want to go to an event but don't know anyone. Maybe you have a great idea for a business but are not sure that you can do it on your own.
How would it be if you had someone else with you?
I'll bet that the prospect is now rather more rosy, less scarey and likely to even be exciting. So what is it that makes it so?
Well we are not alone, we have someone to bounce ideas off, someone to take the risk with no mattter how large or small.
As you know I love to walk and I'm always looking for new routes. Sometimes, I'm more than happy to do this on my own but at other times when it's in the forest or an area I don't know at all, I feel much more comfortable having company. It happened yesterday..... I went off for a short walk with my friend Cajsa yesterday and had in mind a new trail to follow. I knew she was up for a bit of exploration but we didn't stop at one bit, we tried out three new paths and every time it came to make a decision it was great to be able to bounce the ideas off someone else. So the short wak became two and a half hours and I have a few new routes.
My day was much more productive with two and your time can be as well. By working with others we can boost each others confidence, be more adventurous and achieve more.
So what are you trying to do or wanting to do that would be easier with someone else working with you.? Who might that person be?
Perhaps you'll have to go somewhere you don't know and you're afraid of getting lost. Perhaps you want to go to an event but don't know anyone. Maybe you have a great idea for a business but are not sure that you can do it on your own.
How would it be if you had someone else with you?
I'll bet that the prospect is now rather more rosy, less scarey and likely to even be exciting. So what is it that makes it so?
Well we are not alone, we have someone to bounce ideas off, someone to take the risk with no mattter how large or small.
As you know I love to walk and I'm always looking for new routes. Sometimes, I'm more than happy to do this on my own but at other times when it's in the forest or an area I don't know at all, I feel much more comfortable having company. It happened yesterday..... I went off for a short walk with my friend Cajsa yesterday and had in mind a new trail to follow. I knew she was up for a bit of exploration but we didn't stop at one bit, we tried out three new paths and every time it came to make a decision it was great to be able to bounce the ideas off someone else. So the short wak became two and a half hours and I have a few new routes.
My day was much more productive with two and your time can be as well. By working with others we can boost each others confidence, be more adventurous and achieve more.
So what are you trying to do or wanting to do that would be easier with someone else working with you.? Who might that person be?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Lovely day...
All plans for the weekend have been changed so I can enjoy the weather. Well, who knows how long it might last.
Washing has been dring quickly in the sun, I've been reading and chatting in the sun, lunch was eaten outside and I'm just catching up on email for a few moments before savouring the last hour or so ...
Hope you've had some fine weather to savour too.
Washing has been dring quickly in the sun, I've been reading and chatting in the sun, lunch was eaten outside and I'm just catching up on email for a few moments before savouring the last hour or so ...
Hope you've had some fine weather to savour too.
Friday, September 19, 2008
A little wine?
We've had a grape vine in the garden for a few years now and it frames the Pavilion which is my office at the bottom of the garden. I love the affect it has and it adds depth and substance to the office and garden. It's also the last spot in the garden to get the sun and I often sit there to read or to enjoy a glass of wine (rather appropriately)
In late autumn, we cut it down and then I watch it go through its stages of growth and development throughout the coming year. It's an inspiring update as I watch the evolution. Some years we haven't had any fruit at all and sometimes the birds get there first.
This year there have been a couple of bunches of grapes which started off green but are now changing colour. Due to lots of grey days and minimal sunshine this colour change had more or less ceased but I'm delighted that a couple of warm and sunny days has kick started things again. As you can see from the photo, the largest bunch is well on its way to being red!
The whole process is similar to what we may all go through in various life processes - building a business, developing a relationship to name a couple. There are obstacles thrown up that might put us off our stride and if we're not sure whether we are committed or not, we may get scared and even give up. On the other hand if we have vision and determination, we can see it through.
The grey days were not in the ideal plan and they could have stopped the process entirely just like something that might throw the relationship off track. If that had happened, was there a plan B? Something always worth developing.....
As there are so few bunches of grapes, we won't be producing a Waring-Stevens Pinot Noir this year but we may just be able to sit back (in the sun) and enjoy them as grapes.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Chill and ease back on the throttle.
Are you able to let go of the outcome? This is a great skill to learn and for me keeps things in flow and much less stressed.
What does it mean? Basically when you make a decision or set an intention, you then move on and let what will be, be. It makes you more relaxed, it means you don't go and relive the decision or agonise over it but you have to be able to let it go and really be happy with whatever happens.
Start with small things and build up your skill from there.
Another way of looking at it is to think about that you are holding on to, too tightly. Being able to loosen your grip makes you more in control, relaxed and powerful so what things or decisions are you too involved with and how could you change them?
Get a piece of paper and write them down. It could be an aspect of your business and if this is so then things are likely to be stuck and unmoving. Is it a family issue and the fact you are so involved is stopping you seeing the bigger picture.
Do you get the gist of what I mean?
Ask yourself again and then consider what you need to do to relax that hold.
What does it mean? Basically when you make a decision or set an intention, you then move on and let what will be, be. It makes you more relaxed, it means you don't go and relive the decision or agonise over it but you have to be able to let it go and really be happy with whatever happens.
Start with small things and build up your skill from there.
Another way of looking at it is to think about that you are holding on to, too tightly. Being able to loosen your grip makes you more in control, relaxed and powerful so what things or decisions are you too involved with and how could you change them?
Get a piece of paper and write them down. It could be an aspect of your business and if this is so then things are likely to be stuck and unmoving. Is it a family issue and the fact you are so involved is stopping you seeing the bigger picture.
Do you get the gist of what I mean?
Ask yourself again and then consider what you need to do to relax that hold.
Friday, September 12, 2008
A Woman's World
A colleague of mine is making one of her dreams come true this weekend by launching 'A Woman's World' exhibition in Waltham Abbey on Sunday. Have a look at http://www.awomansworld.co.uk/
Due to life being very busy, I am preparing rather later in the day than I had hoped. I've got the family involved - Alan is helping me edit a video of my groups made on his new Vado (definitely a new toy) but it does produce great quality and Ellie will be helping prepare for the prize draw as well as helping out on the stand itself.
My aim is to increase the number of subscribers to my ezine by 300 - 500. In this way I can share the great benefits of walking with them and enthuse them to try out walking either in a local group or with the East End Girls and perhaps it will just motivate you to do something on your own as part of a holiday, weekend away or as part of your every day life.
Anything else is a bonus but I do know that I'll end up talking to people about East End Girls and the weight loss walking course too.
Will report back at a later date so keep posted.
Due to life being very busy, I am preparing rather later in the day than I had hoped. I've got the family involved - Alan is helping me edit a video of my groups made on his new Vado (definitely a new toy) but it does produce great quality and Ellie will be helping prepare for the prize draw as well as helping out on the stand itself.
My aim is to increase the number of subscribers to my ezine by 300 - 500. In this way I can share the great benefits of walking with them and enthuse them to try out walking either in a local group or with the East End Girls and perhaps it will just motivate you to do something on your own as part of a holiday, weekend away or as part of your every day life.
Anything else is a bonus but I do know that I'll end up talking to people about East End Girls and the weight loss walking course too.
Will report back at a later date so keep posted.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Take your business out walking
Alan and I used to have more of our business meetings while walking but having opted to take a leisurely walk at lunch time today, we were commenting on the fact that we'd let this slip somewhat.
'Lack of time' or 'I'm too busy' is the usual cry but on thinking about it, not really a great excuse. Taking 'time out' charges our batteries, takes us away from the office environment and often the things that bring us down and the fresh air is just great for energising and adding a different perspective.
This photo was taken while walking near Ongar in Essex. We'd been discussing developments for the business and then Al's phone went. That call brought in £3k worth of business and was just as easy to organise while out walking. Lunch was a great opportunity to celebrate and when we do take our business out walking, one priority is to choose a walk with a good pub for lunch half way round. This gives us a chance to summarise and note down what we've discussed and the action planned as well as getting some refreshment.
I'm off to get the diary now and book some more of these in for the months that follow. The weather is pretty immaterial, you just need to make sure you have the right clothes and a plan B just in case it's torrential.
Think about bring this into your business, either as a one to one with colleagues or as a team and Walkers' Coach are happy to organise this for you. We can also organise your Netwalk Experience - http://www.walkerscoach.com/netwalk_experience.htm
'Lack of time' or 'I'm too busy' is the usual cry but on thinking about it, not really a great excuse. Taking 'time out' charges our batteries, takes us away from the office environment and often the things that bring us down and the fresh air is just great for energising and adding a different perspective.
I'm off to get the diary now and book some more of these in for the months that follow. The weather is pretty immaterial, you just need to make sure you have the right clothes and a plan B just in case it's torrential.
Think about bring this into your business, either as a one to one with colleagues or as a team and Walkers' Coach are happy to organise this for you. We can also organise your Netwalk Experience - http://www.walkerscoach.com/netwalk_experience.htm
Friday, September 05, 2008
Is the life I'm living the one I want?
Walking on my own gives me lots of time and space to think and first thing in the morning I plan my day but also find myself evaluating and taking stock.
I'm a great believer in the journey we are all on and the fact that I can take responsibility for how things our so only I really have the power to change things. Sounds simple, but of course it's not, lots of things get in the way.
E.g when you live on your own, it's much easier to have your home the way you want. When you have a husband and daughter, compromise is involved and I do sometimes find it hard to accept that I cannot have things in a certain way - I'm sure they do too.
With in the larger question above is the smaller one of 'is this they way I want it to be' and you can ask that of fairly small things. I find this one very helpful and once you can answer 'yes' to this every time you ask it, then your life probably is just as you want it too.
Sometimes very small questions can lead to big results."Is this the way I want it?" is a question which is significant both when dealing with major issues and minor annoyances. And the things that are not the way we want them are the things that drain our energy and our motivation.
So where would you start? How about your kitchen? How about your skin? How about your relationship? If the answer is 'no' then what is it you have to do to make it be as you would want? Get that pen and paper out and make a list and then, the difficult bit, take the action you need and keep taking it until you get the 'yes' you want.
How about trying it out.
My body, although fitter and more toned than it's been for a long time is not there yet so what do I need to do? More 7.00a.m. power walks and less chocolate. I actually need to plan my meals better in advance. This week I have been ensuring my 10,000 steps every day and only failed once so I've started taking that action.
To make me accountable to you my readers, this coming week and let's start that tomorrow, I shall:-
1. Do at least 10,000 steps per day
2. Plan the meals for the week ahead
3. Fit in 4 powerwalks
Of what are you asking the question and what are you going to do?
Come on post it and let's be accountable to each other.
If you're not sure where to start on all of this, take a walk round your home, notebook in hand, and ask yourself that question - 'Is this the way I want it to be?" Write down everything you find that isn't the way you want it to be. Then pick one thing off the list and resolve to make it the way you want it to be. Pick something easy to start off with.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I'm a great believer in the journey we are all on and the fact that I can take responsibility for how things our so only I really have the power to change things. Sounds simple, but of course it's not, lots of things get in the way.
E.g when you live on your own, it's much easier to have your home the way you want. When you have a husband and daughter, compromise is involved and I do sometimes find it hard to accept that I cannot have things in a certain way - I'm sure they do too.
With in the larger question above is the smaller one of 'is this they way I want it to be' and you can ask that of fairly small things. I find this one very helpful and once you can answer 'yes' to this every time you ask it, then your life probably is just as you want it too.
Sometimes very small questions can lead to big results."Is this the way I want it?" is a question which is significant both when dealing with major issues and minor annoyances. And the things that are not the way we want them are the things that drain our energy and our motivation.
So where would you start? How about your kitchen? How about your skin? How about your relationship? If the answer is 'no' then what is it you have to do to make it be as you would want? Get that pen and paper out and make a list and then, the difficult bit, take the action you need and keep taking it until you get the 'yes' you want.
How about trying it out.
My body, although fitter and more toned than it's been for a long time is not there yet so what do I need to do? More 7.00a.m. power walks and less chocolate. I actually need to plan my meals better in advance. This week I have been ensuring my 10,000 steps every day and only failed once so I've started taking that action.
To make me accountable to you my readers, this coming week and let's start that tomorrow, I shall:-
1. Do at least 10,000 steps per day
2. Plan the meals for the week ahead
3. Fit in 4 powerwalks
Of what are you asking the question and what are you going to do?
Come on post it and let's be accountable to each other.
If you're not sure where to start on all of this, take a walk round your home, notebook in hand, and ask yourself that question - 'Is this the way I want it to be?" Write down everything you find that isn't the way you want it to be. Then pick one thing off the list and resolve to make it the way you want it to be. Pick something easy to start off with.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Food, one of life's pleasures
For me food is one of life's great pleasures and last night to celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary, my dear husband cooked me a wonderful meal. He planned some of it and then waited to see what would arrive in our organic box before he finalised his plans. The result was delicious (of course).
I know there's loads of debate about organic food but I let the taste of it guide me and my observation is that the fruit and vegetables are so much nicer than what I get at the supermarket.
If you're interested then the 6th - 21st of September is organic fortnight - http://www.soilassociation.org/organicfortnight so if you don't usually bother much perhaps this is the time to try it out and see if it suits you.
In much of the walking we do, food features. Whether it's what to take as a snack when you're out on a long walk or in the hills, if your trying to get fit or lose weight and want to eat well and of course we're always looking for good places to stop and have lunch or coffee. The food doesn't have to be organic, but for me it helps if it is locally sourced, of the season and well cooked and prepared.
What do you think?
I know there's loads of debate about organic food but I let the taste of it guide me and my observation is that the fruit and vegetables are so much nicer than what I get at the supermarket.
If you're interested then the 6th - 21st of September is organic fortnight - http://www.soilassociation.org/organicfortnight so if you don't usually bother much perhaps this is the time to try it out and see if it suits you.
In much of the walking we do, food features. Whether it's what to take as a snack when you're out on a long walk or in the hills, if your trying to get fit or lose weight and want to eat well and of course we're always looking for good places to stop and have lunch or coffee. The food doesn't have to be organic, but for me it helps if it is locally sourced, of the season and well cooked and prepared.
What do you think?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
300 years of St Pauls.
Whether you live in London or not, St Paul's cathedral is probably familiar to you. It's one of the iconic buildings in London and can be seen from quite a few places in our city, very clearly standing out on the skyline.
This year is St Paul's 300 anniversary and in November the building will be let up and will also have words projected onto the building's dome.
The question, put by artist Martin Firrell is 'What makes your life meaningful? and the words you use will be the words projected. You can submit your own words by going to http://www.blogger.com/www.stpauls.co.uk and clicking on 'The Question Mark Inside'.
St Paul's is one of the sights I am often drawing people's attention to as we walk in London and is very clear from the Thames Path which we are walking at present.
This year is St Paul's 300 anniversary and in November the building will be let up and will also have words projected onto the building's dome.
The question, put by artist Martin Firrell is 'What makes your life meaningful? and the words you use will be the words projected. You can submit your own words by going to http://www.blogger.com/www.stpauls.co.uk and clicking on 'The Question Mark Inside'.
St Paul's is one of the sights I am often drawing people's attention to as we walk in London and is very clear from the Thames Path which we are walking at present.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Feedback, bring it on.
'It’s always so lovely to read your newsletters! I already feel more active in spirit if not in body!!' - Rachel Daniel, Regional Director – The Athena Network. www.theathenanetwork.com
Thank you Rachel for your lovely feedback, useful as always. It's so important we get it and even when not as positive as this, it helps us amend, rethink, build and develop. I am open to all the feedback anyone wants to send my way.
The next newsletter is out this week, probably on Thursday so sign up from http://www.walkerscoach.com and get your own copy.
Thank you Rachel for your lovely feedback, useful as always. It's so important we get it and even when not as positive as this, it helps us amend, rethink, build and develop. I am open to all the feedback anyone wants to send my way.
The next newsletter is out this week, probably on Thursday so sign up from http://www.walkerscoach.com and get your own copy.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Are you the 10th?
Read this and wanted to share it with you.
For every 9 people who denounce innovation, only one will encourage it. For every nine people who do things the way they have always been done, only one will ever wonder if there's a better way. For every nine people who queue in front of a locked building only one will ever go round and check the back door. Our progress as a species relies squarely on the shoulders of that tenth person. The nine are satisfied with things they are told are valuable. Person 10 determines for himself what has value.
Za Rinpoche and Ashley Nebelsieck in the Backdoor to Enlightment.
For every 9 people who denounce innovation, only one will encourage it. For every nine people who do things the way they have always been done, only one will ever wonder if there's a better way. For every nine people who queue in front of a locked building only one will ever go round and check the back door. Our progress as a species relies squarely on the shoulders of that tenth person. The nine are satisfied with things they are told are valuable. Person 10 determines for himself what has value.
Za Rinpoche and Ashley Nebelsieck in the Backdoor to Enlightment.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Have a read at this...
After posting all my photostoday, I just came across this article and wanted to draw your attention to it.
I can totally agree with loads of what is being said as I thought it was a fabulous place but I don't have anything to compare it with so nice to hear from someone who does.
I can totally agree with loads of what is being said as I thought it was a fabulous place but I don't have anything to compare it with so nice to hear from someone who does.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Prepare to be inspired...and humbled
Every so often someone who does something that really makes the rest of us think and this is one of those situations....
Most of us remember the suicide bomb attacks on London tube trains and buses on July 7, 2005. It was the day after my 47th birthday and also the day after London won the right to host the Olympics in 2012. I remember how happy London had been and how everyone was celebrating and the kids who live close were planning how they could be involved. It was then so hard to comprehend how this could all be so short lived as London watched in horror as the news unfolded.
One lady, who was the last person to be pulled alive from a Piccadilly tube train travelling between Kings Cross and Russell Square was Gill Hicks. An Aussie, Gill lost both legs in that attack but has just completed a 30-day trek which saw her walk from Leeds to London, a distance of 435 km on her prosthetic limbs.
After arriving in Trafalgar Square on Sunday, Ms Hicks said: "All of us stepped into this journey with great faith and great belief that humanity would carry us through from town to town and that's exactly what happened. "For me to walk from Leeds to London is probably the single most difficult thing I could ever have imagined. "I still can't quite believe that I have achieved it but I never gave up because of the people that never gave up on me."
Way to go, Gill. You are an inspiration to us all.
Most of us remember the suicide bomb attacks on London tube trains and buses on July 7, 2005. It was the day after my 47th birthday and also the day after London won the right to host the Olympics in 2012. I remember how happy London had been and how everyone was celebrating and the kids who live close were planning how they could be involved. It was then so hard to comprehend how this could all be so short lived as London watched in horror as the news unfolded.
One lady, who was the last person to be pulled alive from a Piccadilly tube train travelling between Kings Cross and Russell Square was Gill Hicks. An Aussie, Gill lost both legs in that attack but has just completed a 30-day trek which saw her walk from Leeds to London, a distance of 435 km on her prosthetic limbs.
After arriving in Trafalgar Square on Sunday, Ms Hicks said: "All of us stepped into this journey with great faith and great belief that humanity would carry us through from town to town and that's exactly what happened. "For me to walk from Leeds to London is probably the single most difficult thing I could ever have imagined. "I still can't quite believe that I have achieved it but I never gave up because of the people that never gave up on me."
Way to go, Gill. You are an inspiration to us all.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The power of PR.
The programme hasn't even gone out yet but already I've had enquiries from 4 new people to join my East End Girls and a potential client in the North West.
What will tomorrow bring? It's all very exciting.
Don't forget, radio 4 at 3.00 p.m. July 18th.
What will tomorrow bring? It's all very exciting.
Don't forget, radio 4 at 3.00 p.m. July 18th.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
On the Radio.
I love to walk and I'm also a little bit of a performer hence the reason that I love to train, to talk to people and to appear in the media.

I was delighted to get a chance to do a mix of these on June 9th when myself and some of the East End Girls (my walking group) did a walk in the Lakes for Radio 4's 'Ramblings' programme.
Here we are about half way through the walk
The programme will be broadcast this Friday, July 18th on Radio 4 at 3.00p.m. If you can, do listen and tell me what you think. We even got a write up in the Radio Times!
You can comment through the blog or on heather@walkerscoach.com.
If you are inspired and want to walk, then the East End Girls are always looking for new members - http://www.walkerscoach.com/east_end_girls.htm and Walkers' Coach also runs a range of local walks called Walk your Way to WOW - http://www.walkerscoach.com/walk_your_way_to_wow.htm
If you'd like something in your area, wherever that might be, please let me know as we will be rolling out our programmes and services throughout the UK and Ireland in 2009.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Chaos, or not really!
Feeling rather out of control as I survey all I have to do personally and professionally before going on leave.
It's been a hectic few months which is great as many plans are coming to fruition and it's so exciting. I've also been taking on more one to one clients and I love working out their needs and tailoring walking plans to deliver what they want.
At the same time as all this is happening, it's Ellie's last few weeks at Junior school and life is full of parties, trips, performances etc all which require planning, chauffering and shopping - I just spent a couple of ddays getting all her new school uniform.
...and I'm still celebrating my big 50, although I feel more like 30!! Hope I look it too.
Trying to manage all of this and one way is not to lie in bed mulling it over but to get up and take action, hence sitting in my office working through it all at 5.15 a.m. Sanity and control is seeping in though so good plan really.
Hope you're sleeping soundly.
It's been a hectic few months which is great as many plans are coming to fruition and it's so exciting. I've also been taking on more one to one clients and I love working out their needs and tailoring walking plans to deliver what they want.
At the same time as all this is happening, it's Ellie's last few weeks at Junior school and life is full of parties, trips, performances etc all which require planning, chauffering and shopping - I just spent a couple of ddays getting all her new school uniform.
...and I'm still celebrating my big 50, although I feel more like 30!! Hope I look it too.
Trying to manage all of this and one way is not to lie in bed mulling it over but to get up and take action, hence sitting in my office working through it all at 5.15 a.m. Sanity and control is seeping in though so good plan really.
Hope you're sleeping soundly.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Watch out world...
It's going to be a fabulous week. I can just feel it all around.
Perhaps it's because the month of July is about to dawn, who knows but it is my birthday month and there's a rather big one heading this way at the end of the week.....
I read some great stuff about business over the weekend and most specifically about marketing, which I am immersing myself in at present and also to do with niches.
When I started Walkers' Coach I was trying to run one full time business in the world of careers and set up another one re walking. Was that a successful strategy? No, of course not. I was pulled from one to the other and of course was doing neither justice. I ploughed on like this for a year or two, trying to keep them more and more separate as I knew that is was confusing to talk about both but that didn't work either.
I did have some successes and learnt a great deal along the way but it was only at the start of 2008 when I focused on my walking and honed in on my Walk your Way to WoW groups that things really started to develop as I wanted them to.
Well, I believe that it's because I had then really developed my niche and within that started to work with a micro niche within that which is local women.
As Will Craig of 'Promoting You' says 'The more focused you are on a specific market, the better you can serve that market'. He goes on to talk about how much easier it then is to research and meet the needs of that market.
If we try and do too much people wonder how we can possibly do all that we say we do or how can we be good at it all if we do that much. People want expertise not generalists.
So, how about you? If you are in business have you got your niche defined? Are you serving it to the best of your ability? If you're not in business but shopping for services, who are you going to? What attracts you to buying what you want and need?
I love my niche and I am trying every day to serve it better and better. If you have questions or comments, then ask. I'd love to serve you too.
Perhaps it's because the month of July is about to dawn, who knows but it is my birthday month and there's a rather big one heading this way at the end of the week.....
I read some great stuff about business over the weekend and most specifically about marketing, which I am immersing myself in at present and also to do with niches.
When I started Walkers' Coach I was trying to run one full time business in the world of careers and set up another one re walking. Was that a successful strategy? No, of course not. I was pulled from one to the other and of course was doing neither justice. I ploughed on like this for a year or two, trying to keep them more and more separate as I knew that is was confusing to talk about both but that didn't work either.
I did have some successes and learnt a great deal along the way but it was only at the start of 2008 when I focused on my walking and honed in on my Walk your Way to WoW groups that things really started to develop as I wanted them to.
Well, I believe that it's because I had then really developed my niche and within that started to work with a micro niche within that which is local women.
As Will Craig of 'Promoting You' says 'The more focused you are on a specific market, the better you can serve that market'. He goes on to talk about how much easier it then is to research and meet the needs of that market.
If we try and do too much people wonder how we can possibly do all that we say we do or how can we be good at it all if we do that much. People want expertise not generalists.
So, how about you? If you are in business have you got your niche defined? Are you serving it to the best of your ability? If you're not in business but shopping for services, who are you going to? What attracts you to buying what you want and need?
I love my niche and I am trying every day to serve it better and better. If you have questions or comments, then ask. I'd love to serve you too.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I've been tweeting recently and am afraid Ive neglected my blog because of it. Since I last blogged, I've done a recording of a great walk in the Lakes for Radio 4's Ramblings programme, ran more of my local walks and now I'm in Lille spending a couple of lovely child free days with my wonderful husband.
We arrived by Eurostar yesterday - what a great way to travel and today have basically been walking and eating. It's an easy city to walk around and as you're walking you can look upwards and see all the fabulous architecture. There are loads of wonderful buildings and the french know and love their food.
The hotel we are staying in was once a hospice and is full of nooks and crannies so fun to explore. Lots of courtyards and small gardens to sit in and be at peace as it is so quiet.
They like to hide things away, makes it more interesting but they've hidden the stairs away too and it took me ages to find them. Seems crazy to wait for the lift when you are only one floor up. Why not encourage peole to walk?
We arrived by Eurostar yesterday - what a great way to travel and today have basically been walking and eating. It's an easy city to walk around and as you're walking you can look upwards and see all the fabulous architecture. There are loads of wonderful buildings and the french know and love their food.
The hotel we are staying in was once a hospice and is full of nooks and crannies so fun to explore. Lots of courtyards and small gardens to sit in and be at peace as it is so quiet.
They like to hide things away, makes it more interesting but they've hidden the stairs away too and it took me ages to find them. Seems crazy to wait for the lift when you are only one floor up. Why not encourage peole to walk?
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The New Commandments
Have as much fun as you can
Reflect on how good it is to be alive
Never worry about the size of your bottom
Say what you think
Nourise your ambitions
Remember you always have a choice
Value friendship[ - but allow some relationships to die gracefully
Banish 'ought' from your vocabulary
If you don't like the rules, break them.
Sent to me by the lovely Val whom I have never met, but with whom I have communicated since I started writing my column, must be about 4/5 years now. Thanks Val, you always send me lovely words.
Reflect on how good it is to be alive
Never worry about the size of your bottom
Say what you think
Nourise your ambitions
Remember you always have a choice
Value friendship[ - but allow some relationships to die gracefully
Banish 'ought' from your vocabulary
If you don't like the rules, break them.
Sent to me by the lovely Val whom I have never met, but with whom I have communicated since I started writing my column, must be about 4/5 years now. Thanks Val, you always send me lovely words.
.. to all of those who gave great testimonials at the last Athena meeting. It's always great to hear how much you enjoy the walks and what you get from them.
And of course your words inspire others to come along and get some of what you have for themselves.
And of course your words inspire others to come along and get some of what you have for themselves.
Friday, May 09, 2008
What do you do when you can't sleep?
I was exhausted by 9.00 last night so I went to bed. I'd done over 30,00 steps in the course of the day (3 times my daily allowance) having walked with two of my groups and then having walked to a meeting, which I have to admit was further than I thought. I did feel a great sense of achievement though.
So when my head did hit the pillow, sleep was all I had in mind. It didn't come easily which rather frustrating and then at 4.00a.m. I was wide awake. I tried to get back into it but my mind started racing, I tossed and turned, the birds started to sign louder and louder and at 4.30 I gave up and got up.
I don't like alarms and prefer to wake at my natural time but I do love being up really early when the world is still quiet and it all seems rather serene.
I made a cup of Camomile tea and then headed down the garden. The lawn was covered in snails, the sky was pinky gold as dawn broke through and the birdsong wonderful. Now I'm at my desk enjoying the solitude and watching the birds in the trees and bushes and the squirrels running along the fence.
Yes, I may be heading to bed again at 9.00 this evening but for now my head is still and it's been a lovely start to the day.
So when my head did hit the pillow, sleep was all I had in mind. It didn't come easily which rather frustrating and then at 4.00a.m. I was wide awake. I tried to get back into it but my mind started racing, I tossed and turned, the birds started to sign louder and louder and at 4.30 I gave up and got up.
I don't like alarms and prefer to wake at my natural time but I do love being up really early when the world is still quiet and it all seems rather serene.
I made a cup of Camomile tea and then headed down the garden. The lawn was covered in snails, the sky was pinky gold as dawn broke through and the birdsong wonderful. Now I'm at my desk enjoying the solitude and watching the birds in the trees and bushes and the squirrels running along the fence.
Yes, I may be heading to bed again at 9.00 this evening but for now my head is still and it's been a lovely start to the day.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
What makes you grateful?
For years now I have kept a Gratitude Journal. I picked a beautiful book and I write in it with colourful pens. It's kept by my bed and I try to ensure I write in it every night.
Most times my gratitude flows like water from a tap (and this has got easier the longer I've done it) but sometimes it's more difficult and it is then that I find myself being grateful for things like just getting through the day, being able to go to bed etc.
What I find interesting is that the things I am regularly grateful for are not expensive, huge things but often simple things like a hug from my lovely daughter, Alan and the things that he does, like washing dishes which I cannot do at present due to a wound on my finger. It's my friends and neighbours, smiles, kind words, flowers and sunshine. Today as I took 15 minutes for lunch in the sun, my eye kept coming back to the beautiful blue of the Ceanothus growing in the garden, and it was also good to reflect on the freedom I have in how I now live my life.
I'm also very grateful for the emails from all the East End Girls who are looking forward to this Saturday's walk and to Rachel and Sam whose feedback on yesterday's walk was - "How wonderful was that walk thank you" and "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I had just the best time –"
What more can a girl ask for.
Most times my gratitude flows like water from a tap (and this has got easier the longer I've done it) but sometimes it's more difficult and it is then that I find myself being grateful for things like just getting through the day, being able to go to bed etc.
What I find interesting is that the things I am regularly grateful for are not expensive, huge things but often simple things like a hug from my lovely daughter, Alan and the things that he does, like washing dishes which I cannot do at present due to a wound on my finger. It's my friends and neighbours, smiles, kind words, flowers and sunshine. Today as I took 15 minutes for lunch in the sun, my eye kept coming back to the beautiful blue of the Ceanothus growing in the garden, and it was also good to reflect on the freedom I have in how I now live my life.
I'm also very grateful for the emails from all the East End Girls who are looking forward to this Saturday's walk and to Rachel and Sam whose feedback on yesterday's walk was - "How wonderful was that walk thank you" and "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I had just the best time –"
What more can a girl ask for.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
What a week.
It's been a very hectic but interesting week and the timing for a bank holiday weekend couldn't really be better. A three day weekend with very little in the diary - bliss.
Wednesday was the launch of a new Athena group so many of us established members turned up to support and it was a fab meeting. Loads of great women. I have been a member of the network for over a year now and it has really helped my business so if you are wondering about your networking and business building visit http://www.blogger.com/www.athenanetwork.co.uk and find a group close to you. Attending this was also a great opportunity to get out of the walking clothes and dress up a bit.
Yesterday I was in hospital for day surgery and am still talking about the experience, how good it was, how time efficient and with only a local anaesthetic I was able to catch the tube home and get back to work. And everyone was so caring, professional and communicative. So Barts Hospital in London, thanks.
Every so often I need a weekend like this, to chill, to catch up and to spend time with Alan and Ellie. We all have so many commitments that often we are like three ships passing. We started the weekend off with a big bowl of pasta last night and one of my favourite films - To Sir with Love. It's a bit of an oldie and watching it I was reminded of how fast the pace of films are now mainly due to the inability of many to sustain a concentration span of more than 20 minutes. Ellie loved it and it took me back to the days of my youth!!
This morning we had breakfast in the garden, the first of the year and this evening we are off to Elaine's for supper which is always a treat
Yesterday I was in hospital for day surgery and am still talking about the experience, how good it was, how time efficient and with only a local anaesthetic I was able to catch the tube home and get back to work. And everyone was so caring, professional and communicative. So Barts Hospital in London, thanks.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Great Quote!
Always one to start the week off on a positive step, I wanted to share this with you......
"The most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed." - Sebastine Chamfort
So see how much laughing you can do today.
Last week I went to the Comedy Store in London's West End on Wednesday evening and laughed for two hours solid. It was a tremendous evening and I am in complete awe of the talented band of players whose whole show was decided by the audience. If you're looking for a great night out, I urge you to try it.
Happy laughing.....
"The most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed." - Sebastine Chamfort
So see how much laughing you can do today.
Last week I went to the Comedy Store in London's West End on Wednesday evening and laughed for two hours solid. It was a tremendous evening and I am in complete awe of the talented band of players whose whole show was decided by the audience. If you're looking for a great night out, I urge you to try it.
Happy laughing.....
Monday, April 21, 2008
She's a star!!

I have been working with my wonderful VA Susan Moore since early 2007 and it's really made a difference to my business. I am well aware though that there is so much more I could use Susan for so it is very likely that she will be even more of an asset than she is already.
I am so delighted to let you all know that on Saturday, Susan received the award of VA of the year for 2008 at the Virtual Assistant Coaching & Training Company Annual conference. It is a well deserved award and as you can imagine I've no hesitation in recommending Susan to any oif you who may be considering a VA.
Susan is professional, totally trustworthy, extremely personable, a great communicator and a pleasure to work with. She totally enhances all that I do, is there to bounce ideas around with and although we work through email and phone, she is close enough to me to allow us a few face to face meetings in the year.
I wish her continued success and if you want to check her out, visit her at http://www.mooreva.co.uk/
Monday, March 03, 2008
PA for a day!!
It was Mother's Day in the UK yesterday and I hadn't a clue what to expect.
What happened was wonderful and I was totally spoiled. Ellie decided to be my PA for the day and I was waited on hand and foot from I got out of bed until more or less when I climbed back in.
First I got a couple of gifts, one of which was a voucher for facial or other treatment and then I had brunch made for me. Later in the day, my wonderful PA gave me a very relaxing pedicure, brought me cups of tea and made sure I had all I needed.
As a family, we sat down in the late afternoon to watch Carousel, one of my favourite films and I was then treated to a three course all cooked by Ellie and supervised by her dad. It was wonderful and the highlight for Ellie anyhow was the desert.
Here she is displaying it and her PA badge.

I consider myself a very lucky mum indeed and what a wonderful idea. I did try to get it to last a week but I think I was pushing it......
What happened was wonderful and I was totally spoiled. Ellie decided to be my PA for the day and I was waited on hand and foot from I got out of bed until more or less when I climbed back in.
First I got a couple of gifts, one of which was a voucher for facial or other treatment and then I had brunch made for me. Later in the day, my wonderful PA gave me a very relaxing pedicure, brought me cups of tea and made sure I had all I needed.
As a family, we sat down in the late afternoon to watch Carousel, one of my favourite films and I was then treated to a three course all cooked by Ellie and supervised by her dad. It was wonderful and the highlight for Ellie anyhow was the desert.
Here she is displaying it and her PA badge.
I consider myself a very lucky mum indeed and what a wonderful idea. I did try to get it to last a week but I think I was pushing it......
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Glad to be alive
Two weeks since I blogged, so not doing too well on the intention for 2008 that says I will blog more regularly. I have let go of the need to blog every day because I feel I should - hurray but there's still some work to do on being more constant.
It's not that I forget, but I put it aside until later and later doesn't always come.
What kind of days are your glad to be alive days?
Here's a photo of the beautiful miniture daffodils in my window box, just the sight of them make me smile. In fact it's hard to be sad when faced with such happy flowers.
There seems to have been such little time without leaves and flowers this winter and I don't seem to have walked in the dark lots either. Now I'm looking forward to the bluebells as the carpets of them in Epping Forest as a sight worth seeing.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The birthday girl
It's my baby's 11th birthday today. Not a baby any longer, she is rapidly approach my 5ft 6inches and has already overtaken some of our female friends in the last couple of months.
I cannot believe so much time has passed since her birth and each year seems to bring more and more great opportunities for her. This year she is off on an outward bound trip again, is on a school's trip to Spain, singing at the Royal Albert Hall and just been nominated for a science competition. Then in September it's off to Secondary school, a new era.
As you can tell I am very proud of her. Yes, she has her moments, don't they all but she is great company, loves to chat and we have some great girlie times when her dad is away.
So Ellie, have a great birthday. I look forward to pizza tonight and your party on Saturday and here she is at breakfast this morning
Monday, January 28, 2008
Customer service on the slide
Ever feel you've been had? I did this weekend.
My husband and I have been contemplating whether or not to retain our cleaner whose work seems to have deteriorated since she started.
In those days, the place sparkled and we were all very happy but in the last couple of months, things have got slack and the ironing she would do if she had extra time, has been non existent. She spends time on the phone (her mobile) and there is dust where it should no longer be.
My first reaction was disappointment and I said so when I talked about things needing to improve . Yes, they did for one week and then slowly went back off the boil.
I cancelled her last week and decided to clean the house myself this weekend. I can tell you that this is not my favourite pastime but everyone, even Ellie pulled their weight. Only problem, things were so grubby that it took all weekend.
When she first came to me I would recommend her to others but now....
In a service industry, your service has to remain high as often there are many others that can take your place. I think we might do the cleaning ourselves now having made this weekends investment but it is a lesson to us all.
Today I have been reflecting and thinking about how good my service is? I hope it's still excellent. I try to make it so and constantly review it, asking clients for feedback. I have measures in place. Did my cleaner? Not in my view and now she is going to lose the work.
Could this happen to you?
My husband and I have been contemplating whether or not to retain our cleaner whose work seems to have deteriorated since she started.
In those days, the place sparkled and we were all very happy but in the last couple of months, things have got slack and the ironing she would do if she had extra time, has been non existent. She spends time on the phone (her mobile) and there is dust where it should no longer be.
My first reaction was disappointment and I said so when I talked about things needing to improve . Yes, they did for one week and then slowly went back off the boil.
I cancelled her last week and decided to clean the house myself this weekend. I can tell you that this is not my favourite pastime but everyone, even Ellie pulled their weight. Only problem, things were so grubby that it took all weekend.
When she first came to me I would recommend her to others but now....
In a service industry, your service has to remain high as often there are many others that can take your place. I think we might do the cleaning ourselves now having made this weekends investment but it is a lesson to us all.
Today I have been reflecting and thinking about how good my service is? I hope it's still excellent. I try to make it so and constantly review it, asking clients for feedback. I have measures in place. Did my cleaner? Not in my view and now she is going to lose the work.
Could this happen to you?
Saturday, January 26, 2008
It's only January.
Where has the hibernation period gone?
I was out walking about 8.00a.m. this morning which was wonderful as it was light, makes a change from my weekday 7.00 a.m. although even that is not as dark as it was...
Anyhow as I strode out, saying 'morning ' to the numerous dog walkers, I was struck at just how many leave there were on the bushes. I think most of them were hawthorn but there they all were bright green and spring like.
The daffodils in my garden are up quite high to and the winter jasmine, meant to bloom in Jan/Feb, has blossomed in Dec for the last couple of years. The earth is giving birth to all manner of things that used to still be fast asleep at this point in the year.
So has nature started to reflect our fast paced lives, where there is no longer time to recharge batteries?
Since I started coaching and set up my own business, I have learned to pay more attention to the rhythms of nature. Instead of detoxing in Jan, I have learnt that, like nature, this is the time of the year to seek out good wholesome, comforting foods like soups and stews and steaming cups of hot chocolate and to curl up with a good book or a film. To sleep more and recharge.
I am still doing it but what is nature doing now? Yes, it's lovely to know that spring is coming but let's just slow the pace a little again and enjoy the comforting time.
I was out walking about 8.00a.m. this morning which was wonderful as it was light, makes a change from my weekday 7.00 a.m. although even that is not as dark as it was...
Anyhow as I strode out, saying 'morning ' to the numerous dog walkers, I was struck at just how many leave there were on the bushes. I think most of them were hawthorn but there they all were bright green and spring like.
The daffodils in my garden are up quite high to and the winter jasmine, meant to bloom in Jan/Feb, has blossomed in Dec for the last couple of years. The earth is giving birth to all manner of things that used to still be fast asleep at this point in the year.
So has nature started to reflect our fast paced lives, where there is no longer time to recharge batteries?
Since I started coaching and set up my own business, I have learned to pay more attention to the rhythms of nature. Instead of detoxing in Jan, I have learnt that, like nature, this is the time of the year to seek out good wholesome, comforting foods like soups and stews and steaming cups of hot chocolate and to curl up with a good book or a film. To sleep more and recharge.
I am still doing it but what is nature doing now? Yes, it's lovely to know that spring is coming but let's just slow the pace a little again and enjoy the comforting time.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Beautiful dawn
Dawn seemed to come earlier this morning and evolved into a pale blue sky and wonderful gold and pink tinged clouds that just seemed to illuminate.
Keeping to folklore, it might not have been the best forecast for the day - "pink sky in the morning" and all of that but it was a joy to see and I do wish I'd had my camera. I think I shall have to add that to the necessary pile when I go out from now on.
Keeping to folklore, it might not have been the best forecast for the day - "pink sky in the morning" and all of that but it was a joy to see and I do wish I'd had my camera. I think I shall have to add that to the necessary pile when I go out from now on.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The giant and the dark clouds
On my walk yesterday morning, the sky looked really dark and heavy, you know the way it gets when it is a sort of midnight blue colour. These dark and ominous clouds rolled around looking threatening and very angry and made me think of a giant or a god, like those I learned about as a child in Greek mythology. I had in my mind these images of a bellowing figure venting his anger and I felt chilled.
However as the clouds rolled around more and dawn broke they thinned out and soon disappeared, allowing the morning light to penetrate and soon there was no sign of the angry giant at all.
It had all happened relatively quickly, over 30-40 minutes and I found myself thinking of the process of changing our moods and not letting an incident affect our mood for the whole day. Sometimes one thing can change your mood dramatically and often at the start of the day, set up a chain of events that makes us want to crawl back under the duvet. How much better to recognise that things do not have to be like that and to choose to swap the black mood for a much lighter one.
I am not always successful at this, sometimes, I want to wallow but in most cases I'd love to put on the calm cloak, so I'm going to make an effort to try. Are you?
However as the clouds rolled around more and dawn broke they thinned out and soon disappeared, allowing the morning light to penetrate and soon there was no sign of the angry giant at all.
It had all happened relatively quickly, over 30-40 minutes and I found myself thinking of the process of changing our moods and not letting an incident affect our mood for the whole day. Sometimes one thing can change your mood dramatically and often at the start of the day, set up a chain of events that makes us want to crawl back under the duvet. How much better to recognise that things do not have to be like that and to choose to swap the black mood for a much lighter one.
I am not always successful at this, sometimes, I want to wallow but in most cases I'd love to put on the calm cloak, so I'm going to make an effort to try. Are you?
Monday, January 07, 2008
An inspiration!
I received two emails in the past few days which said "I'm inspired to get up Wednesday morning at 7am and go for a walk! I'll let you know how I get on!" and "Thank you for the emails I'm almost inspired to get up early tomorrow and go for a walk."
It's very nice to be an inspiration and for me it comes easily when I am writing and talking about something that I love. It's also what makes getting up early in the dark on a cold winter morning possible too.
What and who inspires you and why? What do you inspire others about?
Is being an inspiration something that you aspire to be? Let me know.
It's very nice to be an inspiration and for me it comes easily when I am writing and talking about something that I love. It's also what makes getting up early in the dark on a cold winter morning possible too.
What and who inspires you and why? What do you inspire others about?
Is being an inspiration something that you aspire to be? Let me know.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Pretty good so far.
Sunday tends to be view time for me and looking back to Jan 1st, I am pleased with how things are going.
Although one major focus this year is on me as a business women, my overall focus is one me and my self care. If that is not right, then I am not going to be in the right place to be that effective and successful business women or the great mum, best friend, loving partner etc.
Since New Year's Day I have been walking regularly, setting my goals and building in relaxation and family time.
This weekend, the family time has been on paining my daughter's den - the spare room which she has acquired so she can entertain friends, do her yoga, play guitar etc. Never have I seen her so enthusiastic about paining and what a great job she has done. I shall post a photo when it is finished.
We have also had some film time, meal time and I am now out for a walk to enjoy some of this great sunshine. Looking forward to an equally positive review next week.
Although one major focus this year is on me as a business women, my overall focus is one me and my self care. If that is not right, then I am not going to be in the right place to be that effective and successful business women or the great mum, best friend, loving partner etc.
Since New Year's Day I have been walking regularly, setting my goals and building in relaxation and family time.
This weekend, the family time has been on paining my daughter's den - the spare room which she has acquired so she can entertain friends, do her yoga, play guitar etc. Never have I seen her so enthusiastic about paining and what a great job she has done. I shall post a photo when it is finished.
We have also had some film time, meal time and I am now out for a walk to enjoy some of this great sunshine. Looking forward to an equally positive review next week.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy New Year
Happy New Year!!!!
I hope, that wherever you are in the world that you had a great New Year's Eve and were able to welcome in 2008 in health and happiness. I also hope that this New Year brings you more of that health and happiness as well as lots of other thing that you hope for. I hope it is one of your best year's ever.
Since the very end of November I have been working on my plans for 2008 and ensuring that it is my Best Year Yet. I have worked through Jinny Ditzler's great book and now am full of excitement, hope and expectation and after not having blogged since Dec 5th, I am putting that right straight away.
In fact it has been a day of getting started again. After not having gone for a planned walk since Boxing Day, I was out this morning with my friend and neighbour Jude. She is doing a sponsored walk along the Great Wall of China in March so we are picking up the pace and the distance so she is bang on target when she gets out there.
Today we walked for 2 hours and covered about 6.5 miles, not bad. I left her with the instructions to lie with her legs up against a wall for about 15 minutes to let the lactic acid drain away and then to have a hot bath. Hopefully then she'll not feel it too much tomorrow.
We're out again on Thursday evening and I am out there tomorrow morning, not at 7.00 I would think as it's the last luxurious morning without an alarm and I want to savour that!!
Enjoy the rest of your day and that great year to come.
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