Thursday, May 22, 2008

The New Commandments

Have as much fun as you can
Reflect on how good it is to be alive
Never worry about the size of your bottom
Say what you think
Nourise your ambitions
Remember you always have a choice
Value friendship[ - but allow some relationships to die gracefully
Banish 'ought' from your vocabulary
If you don't like the rules, break them.

Sent to me by the lovely Val whom I have never met, but with whom I have communicated since I started writing my column, must be about 4/5 years now. Thanks Val, you always send me lovely words.


.. to all of those who gave great testimonials at the last Athena meeting. It's always great to hear how much you enjoy the walks and what you get from them.

And of course your words inspire others to come along and get some of what you have for themselves.

Friday, May 09, 2008

What do you do when you can't sleep?

I was exhausted by 9.00 last night so I went to bed. I'd done over 30,00 steps in the course of the day (3 times my daily allowance) having walked with two of my groups and then having walked to a meeting, which I have to admit was further than I thought. I did feel a great sense of achievement though.

So when my head did hit the pillow, sleep was all I had in mind. It didn't come easily which rather frustrating and then at 4.00a.m. I was wide awake. I tried to get back into it but my mind started racing, I tossed and turned, the birds started to sign louder and louder and at 4.30 I gave up and got up.

I don't like alarms and prefer to wake at my natural time but I do love being up really early when the world is still quiet and it all seems rather serene.

I made a cup of Camomile tea and then headed down the garden. The lawn was covered in snails, the sky was pinky gold as dawn broke through and the birdsong wonderful. Now I'm at my desk enjoying the solitude and watching the birds in the trees and bushes and the squirrels running along the fence.

Yes, I may be heading to bed again at 9.00 this evening but for now my head is still and it's been a lovely start to the day.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

What makes you grateful?

For years now I have kept a Gratitude Journal. I picked a beautiful book and I write in it with colourful pens. It's kept by my bed and I try to ensure I write in it every night.

Most times my gratitude flows like water from a tap (and this has got easier the longer I've done it) but sometimes it's more difficult and it is then that I find myself being grateful for things like just getting through the day, being able to go to bed etc.

What I find interesting is that the things I am regularly grateful for are not expensive, huge things but often simple things like a hug from my lovely daughter, Alan and the things that he does, like washing dishes which I cannot do at present due to a wound on my finger. It's my friends and neighbours, smiles, kind words, flowers and sunshine. Today as I took 15 minutes for lunch in the sun, my eye kept coming back to the beautiful blue of the Ceanothus growing in the garden, and it was also good to reflect on the freedom I have in how I now live my life.

I'm also very grateful for the emails from all the East End Girls who are looking forward to this Saturday's walk and to Rachel and Sam whose feedback on yesterday's walk was - "How wonderful was that walk thank you" and "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I had just the best time –"

What more can a girl ask for.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

What a week.

It's been a very hectic but interesting week and the timing for a bank holiday weekend couldn't really be better. A three day weekend with very little in the diary - bliss.

Every so often I need a weekend like this, to chill, to catch up and to spend time with Alan and Ellie. We all have so many commitments that often we are like three ships passing. We started the weekend off with a big bowl of pasta last night and one of my favourite films - To Sir with Love. It's a bit of an oldie and watching it I was reminded of how fast the pace of films are now mainly due to the inability of many to sustain a concentration span of more than 20 minutes. Ellie loved it and it took me back to the days of my youth!!

This morning we had breakfast in the garden, the first of the year and this evening we are off to Elaine's for supper which is always a treat

Wednesday was the launch of a new Athena group so many of us established members turned up to support and it was a fab meeting. Loads of great women. I have been a member of the network for over a year now and it has really helped my business so if you are wondering about your networking and business building visit and find a group close to you. Attending this was also a great opportunity to get out of the walking clothes and dress up a bit.

Yesterday I was in hospital for day surgery and am still talking about the experience, how good it was, how time efficient and with only a local anaesthetic I was able to catch the tube home and get back to work. And everyone was so caring, professional and communicative. So Barts Hospital in London, thanks.