Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Slow it all down and benefit

We had another wonderful but very hectic and sociable weekend. I love them but I also love my chill time and there's been none of that recently so yesterday I had a slow day.

I had a relaxing bath after breakfast, did my hair, dressed and then went for a massage. I floated away from that and then spent a couple of hours working in the dining room beside the fire with the candles lit. It was calm and I felt so refreshed after. In fact, I got as much done as I would have if I hadn't taken the time out and just rushed around like a mad thing.

The 'time out' allowed me to recharge and made me more productive and today I was in the office at 8.30 feeling refreshed and even had time today to think about what I could do next. Now that's a luxury that doesn't occur often.

Don't let the rush of the days up to Christmas stress you out, be proactive and take some time for you, you'll benefit.

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