Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The birthday girl

It's my baby's 11th birthday today. Not a baby any longer, she is rapidly approach my 5ft 6inches and has already overtaken some of our female friends in the last couple of months.

I cannot believe so much time has passed since her birth and each year seems to bring more and more great opportunities for her. This year she is off on an outward bound trip again, is on a school's trip to Spain, singing at the Royal Albert Hall and just been nominated for a science competition. Then in September it's off to Secondary school, a new era.

As you can tell I am very proud of her. Yes, she has her moments, don't they all but she is great company, loves to chat and we have some great girlie times when her dad is away.

So Ellie, have a great birthday. I look forward to pizza tonight and your party on Saturday and here she is at breakfast this morning

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