Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ease the unease

I've not been in a good place today and it's made me do some real soul searching.

In there are all the little niggly things that 'should' be deal with and that are hanging over my head. They're things that are not top in prioritising and so get shunted up and down the list but they come back to cause unease on a regular basis.

What are the niggly things in your life? Whar are you piutting up with? What are you tolerating? Yes, you.

I'd be really surprised if you said nothing. In fact I'd be in awe of you and want to know how you do it because in my experience most of us are tolerating a whole list of things.

It's likely to be things like - the screw that needs put back in place; that ‘space’ that needs clearing out; the lamp that needs fixing, the email you need to send.

For me, at the moment they include - the pump for the table fountain that needs finding so I can get it working, the article I need to write, the paperwork that needs sorting and the lamp that needs fixing. These things creep up on me regularly and they take up space in my head and drain my energy. How good would I feel to have them out of my way and out of my head?

So, here's a suggestion - make a list of all the things that you know you are tolerating and then make an action plan to deal with them. One by one or a couple at a time and 'do it'.

Just imagine how good it will feel to have ticked them all of the list and how proud you'll be of yourself for doing it. You’ll feel successful, in control and energised.

OK, off you go and feel free to post your achievements.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Here's to 'chill' time.

Have just had a really chilled weekend.

We were childless as Ellie had gone off to stay with some friends and Alan and I decided not to plan at all but just to 'do' what we felt like. It was bliss. We took time to enjoy breakfast, we talked, cooked a wonderful meal on Saturday night and caught up on a film or two.

He ran, I walked, we slept long, we wandered round the house and decided what things needed to do done - that really made me feel great as I had been feeling a little out of control re the house - now we just need to put a time line on it all.

I recommend it. If you manage to have a weekend for you or you and a partner, really do what you want to. Ditch the cleaning, get rid of the 'we shoulds' and chill. W don't do it enough.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Trips away and that little bit of guilt.

France and Italy in the last couple of weeks - I feel rather spoiled and a little guilty.......but why?
I know I work hard, I know that I do more than 40 hours per week so why do I feel that little guilt from being away?

The first trip to France was work. As some of you know I was starting on, what I hope will be, a continued journey for a number of years as I complete the Camino de Compostella. It's 500+ miles long and in 4 days we did about 65, so a while to go yet.

How was it work? Well as the Walkers' Coach one of the things I do is train people to do treks - how credible would I be if my last trek was 10 years before? When I trek I have to up my fitness and training, all things that I can share. I also find out about new walks and treks and am able to advise and guide from a knowledgeable place.

This was taken early on a cold and frosty morning. It was clear and beautiful and this is work!!

I believe my guilt comes from doing what I love as it doesn't seem as if it's 'Work' but then that says a lot about how society defines 'work'. Why can't it be something you love?
I've always enjoyed my jobs but now I love what I do all the time. Even getting up at 7.00a.m. on a cold wet morning to walk is fine.
I'm hoping now-a-days that more and more of us can but I'm not convinced. From a career development point of view, and I still coach a lot of people on this in our "walk and talk" sessions, there are still too many people who hate their jobs and others who don't like their lives. To them I am in the minority and so lucky .... but then I've designed it this way. It took time but I got there and others can do so too.

Only you can change that so come on, be good to yourself. It may take a while but invest in you and get the life you want and deserve. You'll be much happier.
As for me..... the second break was pure holiday and just as much fun.

Eating Italian Ice-cream in Pisa

A view down the river in Florence with the Ponte Veccio in the foreground

The only guilt I feel there was work related as in having to not run some of my walks twice in one month. A staffing issue really and one I need to sort. Then perhaps the guilt will go. You know, now that I know what it is, I can deal with it.
What are you feeling guilty about? How can you change it? What action do you need to take? Go on, take it.