Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Slow it all down and benefit

We had another wonderful but very hectic and sociable weekend. I love them but I also love my chill time and there's been none of that recently so yesterday I had a slow day.

I had a relaxing bath after breakfast, did my hair, dressed and then went for a massage. I floated away from that and then spent a couple of hours working in the dining room beside the fire with the candles lit. It was calm and I felt so refreshed after. In fact, I got as much done as I would have if I hadn't taken the time out and just rushed around like a mad thing.

The 'time out' allowed me to recharge and made me more productive and today I was in the office at 8.30 feeling refreshed and even had time today to think about what I could do next. Now that's a luxury that doesn't occur often.

Don't let the rush of the days up to Christmas stress you out, be proactive and take some time for you, you'll benefit.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Freezing weather walking.

It was so cold here yesterday, yes, I know it is winter. But in the UK our weather has become so unpredictable that you never know what you'll get.

Given the choice I do prefer 4 seasons, I love to see that changes that take place in nature and I like the fact that a cold winter will kill the bugs and refresh things. What I'm not so keen is getting up in the cold and dark and last night I wasn't too sure I wanted to leave my warm and cosy office and go up the house to change into my walking gear and go out to walk for 2 hours. I knew I'd enjoy it, but it was just the transition time.

Anyhow, I did, well I had two clients who are training for the Moonwalk and we are now up to walking 6 miles once a week plus the other walking they do in between. I'm really proud of them and they are well on target for May 2009.

I pulled on the layers, really important especially in the cold as once you get moving, you might want to strip off a little. Also important are gloves, socks, a scarf and hat. If your extremities are warm you will be.

We had a great walk and covered the 6 miles in an hour and three quarters. It was clear and very fresh and everywhere and everything sparkled making it really magical. It was as if diamonds had been scattered over all surfaces.

At one point we ended up on a round-a-bout but there was no pavement so being on the edge of grassy area we took a detour to get away from the traffic and walked along a grassy track. As we were still close to the road we had light but what was wonderful was the crunch of the grass underneath our feet and the feeling of walking on unchartered ground.

Two hours goes very quickly when you have good company and we chat about everything putting the world to right as we go. At this time of the year every week supplies us with new Christmas sights of trees and garden decorations, some very tasteful and elegant where others leave a lot to be desired ...... and then of course there are the houses across the street from each other in competition. All good amusement.

So if you thought walking in the dark in the cold was a no no, think again....and there's always a good hot meal to come home to and a glass of wine!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The power of the walk.

Through a google alert this morning my attention was drawn to the following blog and I wanted to share this excerpt with you as it resonates so strongly with me.

Ditch the stress and walk.
'I was returning to work after lunch today and realized just how much I like walking instead of using my car. It is much more relaxing then sitting at red lights and having to deal with other drivers. Unfortunately most people’s routines fall into our on-the-go lifestyle that our society has created and I think it weighs very heavily on work related stress and our health. As I walk home it gives me time to relax and think about other aspects of my life outside of work. The exercise is an added bonus, plus the fresh air.

Selfishly I also wish more people had the ability to walk because then I would be breathing in less exhaust from cars passing by. Maybe I would even meet a few new faces and exchange in some light friendly conversation. If people walked between work and home, maybe it would allow more time to connect with the natural world and develop a few more environmental advocates. I challenge you to examine your day and add up all of the hours you spend inside a building or car; you may be surprised by how little of your day is spent in nature. It this is not the case, then consider yourself one of the lucky ones.'

I often coach my clients about the need to transition from work to home and this is just such a great way to do it. It gives you some space to think through and deal with the work issues that may have impacted upon you and allow you to deal with them and then set aside before getting home.

To read more of this blog and to catch more input click on :-
