Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Don't you just love synchronicity?

I do and there is so much of it about.

This morning, my business partner and I sat down to have our monthly development day. It is always a very positive and inspiring time and even more so since we moved it away from the office environment. With more space and distance, we now seem to be more creative so I recommend this for any of you who do similar. You can get another person or a small group together to use as a sounding board about business, career, potential or in fact anything.

A scientist by training, Alan is rather sceptical about things that cannot clearly be explained but is slowly moving in the right direction. Today, as we reviewed last month’s tasks, he reminded me of the fact that nearly all the people he had elected to contact had contacted him first and many were people he had not heard from for ages. Synchronicity at work indeed!!

I recently attracted two rather large cheques into my personal account after thinking of how I would like to have some more money and over the summer when I was thinking of how I needed to bring some coaches interested in walking on board, three just happened to contact me.

Today I was made aware of myspace. Not once, twice but three times and what's the bet it will appear again tomorrow. How do you feel about this synchronicity? Let me know and have fun with it.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Did you know that Woody Allen suggests that 70% of the secret of networking is "being there!" If you aren't there, no networking will happen. Are you using networking not only to forward your business but also to help you build your career? We have a couple of e-courses that help you do just that. -

With WaringWell I network sporadically, much of my business comes from my website but it also comes from those I have networked with in the past. It often comes from those in the same business but in areas where we complement.

Many people shy away from working with people who do the same thing as they view them as the enemy. The opposite is often true and as my business partner says 'better to be on side and know what is happening than to be kept in the dark'. How about you review your so called competitors and see whether forging relationships makes sense. It could be a win:win for all concerned.

I know that as I build walkers' coach, I am going to be out there networking more regularly and building relationships that will benefit as many as possible.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Heightened senses

I returned from my summer break with the best of intentions but somehow regular blogging has evaded me. Sorry therefore, to anyone who has been looking for regular updates. I do hope that the month of October will be better though, I intend to make it so.

The lack of blogging has been due to an increased work level which has been brilliant and each month I seem to be attracting more and more of my ideal clients and doing even more of the work I really love to do. It's such a delight. I hope this is happening to you too. If not, and you want to make this happen, consider working with me for a while.

September was the month of my fundraising walk and what a pleasure that was. You will find more information on the walk on by the end of the week. As a result of doing the walk I allowed myself a few days off my early morning walks and then because of being busy, my walking was developing along the lines of fewer days but longer walks and that was good too. I found it was all about not beating myself up but allowing myself to find what worked for me in the situation. I think that this is something we could all explore further. It was great fun doing it differently too and it brought different and additional things into play.

This week, the pattern is a bit of both but what I have discovered is that in the early morning, my senses are so much more alert especially the sense of smell. On two of my routes, I pass rosemary bushes and I love to squeeze a few bits of this to release that wonderful aroma. I cannot walk past without doing this. I also love lavender and basil. This morning as I walked the scent of citrus filled the air and it was a while before the gentleman eating an orange passed me. It took me back to Seville and to summer mornings and eating outside.

Walking is good for us in so many ways and not always how we expect.

Would love to have your comments on some or all of this. Until the next time, which I intend to be soon, take care and get out there walking.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Best Time

Well it is one of the best times.....For what? For starting walking.

Many of you, you will have returned from holidays where you had time to relax and think about what you wanted in life and that can often include being more energetic. On the other hand you might have over indulged and feel the need to lose a few pounds. Perhaps you have decided to train for a charity trek.

It doesn't matter what the catalyst, the fact is that it is September; we still have light evenings and mornings, the weather is good and you are motivated so don't let it all go. Start now and then you will have a well developed habit in a month's time and that will carry you on.

Not sure how? Now that is often the reason that people do nothing. Don't fall into this trap. Make an appointment in your diary, pull on some comfortable shoes - trainers are the best and get out there. It need only be for 15/20 minutes initially and the pace does not matter at all, what does matter is that you will have done it. Aim for a couple of walks per week and build up.

Can I help? If so , give me a call on 07941 246619 or email me or of course go look at

Friday, September 01, 2006

Time to get back into the swing.

September 1st and that familiar buzz of excitement is there. Guess I have not quite lost the 'new term' feeling so this is a time of the year that is once again filled with opportunities. It's the time to start anew, to set new goals, review old ones and get excited about what is possible. Anyone else out there share this positive feeling too?

I have so many plans which I shall share with you as the weeks and months pass and I hope you will feel free to share yours with me too. I am sure we can help each other, after all two heads are better than one.

Friday, June 30, 2006

The art of meditation

In my Attraction Mastermind Group we were discussing commitment at great length and decided that we would all commit to something that we would work on. One suggestion was to do this over a period of 30 days which very much appealed as when that time is up, I shall be off on leave.

I have toyed with meditation off and on and decided that this was what I was going to commit to. I started last Saturday and the intention every day is to meditate for 10 or 15 minutes. I am taking it in small steps.

The hardest day so far was the second one and since then it has been bliss. The time has gone much quicker and I have felt so calm. The calmness is coming into all parts of life gradually. I had a call today from a lady who had to cancel my walkers leader training course and she was so impressed when I said 'that's Ok, it's life. I shall come on another one later.' I had been so looking forward to it and yet I felt that it will happen when the time is right. Then the friend who was due to start her meditation course in June and postponed, called and asked me to be her guinea pig so she is doing a one to one with me on July 12th. It is all falling into place.

Last night though I learnt a valuable lesson. It was not to leave my meditation till too late. So much happened yesterday so that I sat down to meditate at 11.00 and I was just so tired. I managed 5 minutes - better that I thought but I did not feel good and I was annoyed with myself too. For me it is also the fact that I let slip something that is good for me and therefore my life as a whole and I let it go from being a first priority.

What have you let slip that you can place back at the top of your list?

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Interesting reading

I have been de-cluttering today and it is so energising. I have been finding articles I had forgotten about and inspirational writings too which I am now organising so that I can act upon them. I also found lots of papers that were able to go straight in the recycling - why did I ever think I would need them?

I have a clear vision for my office which although not paperless - do they exist? - will be much tidier than it is now. The time goal? September after the summer holidays.

One of the articles I found was around giving and the fact that as well as giving to others, we should remember to give to ourselves. At the very top of the suggested list was 'go for a walk to clear your mind'. I was of course delighted, it backs up my walking benefit theory. Then just a few minutes ago I opened a video about caring on the net. It asked that people set aside at least one fraction of time in their day when they were number one on their list instead of at the end. And how can they care for themselves? Very simply, go for a walk.

There's a message there, are you going to act on it?

Monday, June 26, 2006

Lots of love

I am thinking of my darling husband as I write this. He is miles away in Dubai currently training senior staff in media skills at Dubai International Financial City. He left here at 2.00p.m. yesterday after already having been away from home for most of last week in parts of the UK and Ireland. He had about 16 hours at home to sleep, catch up with some emails, write a proposal or two, pack and get back on the road again. Who says a life spent traveling is glamorous?

Just think of that lovely long summer holiday Al, and lots of family time. If you are reading this Ellie and I love you lots.

I should put a message like this on Steve Wright's Sunday Love Songs. I was listening to it yesterday morning while on the croissant run and I found myself 'oohing' and 'aahing' as well as letting a few tears slip as I listened. I found myself thinking what a lovely positive programme this is and how there should be more opportunities to express our love and gratitude.

So send a message into Steve or if that is not your thing, find another way to tell your loved ones how much you care. In fact find a way to do it every day and send a message too………and they play good music.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

10 ways that this is perfect for me now!

When things are going well, it is not too difficult to find 10 reasons/ways/things why the situation is perfect. However, when things are not good, it is a different matter.

I was first asked to do this exercise by Annie Meacham not long after I joined her attraction marketing masterclass and I did not know where to start. 'It's not perfect at all' was all I could think and trying to do it was going against everything I felt, thought etc. Others seemed to be able to do it so why not me?

I guess it is all about where you are.

As time has moved on I have found this easier and helpful and then last night I hurt my back!!! I was just about to settle down to a girlie evening with my daughter Ellie and as I got up from my seat to put the DVD on, my back went. Now my back was the catalyst for taking my health more seriously and some of you will remember the summer saga from last year. I have had no problems since then. I took a couple of painkillers, propped cushions around me and watched the DVD but after I got rather down. I was meant to be doing my first walk with my group again this morning and I had put all the organisation in place. I could hardly move so I had to leave messages and try to deal with my pain, my frustration and my wonderment.

After the initial depression, I reverted to trying to understand the reason why and wrote the following 10 reasons why this is perfect me for me now.
1. I will go to sleep earlier as I am so uncomfortable.
2. I do not have to walk tomorrow.
3. It's a catalyst again to change my habits further.
4. I can sit in the sun tomorrow.
5. Ellie can demonstrate how helpful she is.
6. I can get on with de-cluttering7. It's a great opportunity to start writing my journal again.
8. It gives me the chance to use the attraction principles more.
9. No alarm in the morning.
10. I can become more committed to my Pilates.

As I said, I used to find these 10 things so hard to do but this wasn't and what came out was really helpful as hopefully you can see. I am now taking action and am feeling positive.

If you do not believe that this can work, try it out for yourself. Persevere and it will all come together, I promise you.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Go with the flow and trust.

My heart sank when I saw a couple of emails this morning because they asked for change of dates at short notice. Many of the dates given as options had already been sent out as possibles to another person. It was all like a moving block puzzle.

'Go with the flow and trust' - I am doing it more and more so I trusted and wow! The person who had the options emailed back with a date and the date of choice was one not mentioned by the others. This enabled me to say 'yes' to the first choices on the other emails. So easy.

Then the phone rang and it was a friend I had not seen for nearly a year. So when can we meet up? I have a few spaces between the 3rd July and 21st I said knowing how busy is dairy is. The 7th was his response and guess what lunch is now booked on that date.

Thanks. Things like this make me trust more and more....

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


What was the last thing you celebrated? Today I celebrated getting all my files back in order by awarding myself 15 minutes to sit in the sun and yesterday Ellie and celebrated the end of her cello exam with wonderful ice-cream - she was allowed to have a tripple scoop strawberry for the great sum of £1.80.

People have interesting views about celebration; some choose not to mark occasions at all. They view birthdays as not worth celebrating as they are getting older - their excuse not mine and other things as too commercial. Other people feel that celebrations cost money and yes they can but I hope I have demonstrated that they can be cheap or cost nothing at all.

If you think things are too commercialised, decide to celebrate other things instead - after all you can choose.

In our house we celebrate lots of things. Any excuse, we often say. Sometimes things cost money, like a nice bottle of wine as a result of winning a contract or lunch out, although where I love lunch out can be as reasonable as £5.00 and that's not breaking the bank especially as you are not going to do it every day.

You can celebrate and you should do to mark your achievements like getting a new job or walking for 5 miles and what about occasions like catching up with old friends, finishing a bit of work or the fact of a sunny day. Do it as you would like to, spend as much or as little as you want. Take 10 minutes now and think how many ways you can celebrate and for what reason. Have fun and then put it into action.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Off again...........

I've started walking again and it feels great. It amazes me that when the time is right, things do happen. I had been feeling that I should get going and then after a weekend when I had carefully planned some gentle integrated walking, I really wanted to get up and out on Monday morning.

OK, my time was slower and I didn't go so far but it was a beginning. I met one of my walking group who told me I looked terrific - nice to hear so at least she knows I am trying. I am hoping to join the group for a short walk on Saturday and I will hopefully fit in another a.m walk in the morning even though there is a little discomfort. But then again perhaps a little unusage.

On my call tonight, Judith (my coach) said she was wondering what the reason for the sprained ankle was. Funny I was wondering that too. However, tonight it became clear as I spouted all the latest ideas and developments. I needed the time to plan and that is now in full swing.

For the new Training for Treks programme have a look at the site - and keep posted as other things fall into place.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


I have been a single parent since early Sunday morning which might help explain the lack of blogging entries. Alan has been in Dubai and is due to return there again in a week or two. Such is his growing reputation out there that the work is expanding. Like all things there are two sides to this, one that means he is away from us and we all miss that but then the coming back together is joyful and it is good for business. As long as he enjoys it and it fulfills his wishes then I am happy.

Now regarding the single parenting, I know many of you do this all the time and many of you also have more than one child. I take my hat off to you, it is such hard work and I know for me that is because I am so used to have an excellent partner to share things with. With him gone, I have to do all of it and the hours available just seem to shrink. This week I have been trying to find time to ice my sprained ankle and to put it up for about 15 minutes a day - small things really so why then am I struggling to find the time?

It's been a challenging few days over and above everyday life. We have had to deal with sleepless nights due to the extreme heat. After the second restless event, I recalled the existence of two fans bought in the heat wave last year so off I went to the attic. To add a little extra to the scenario, I want you to factor in a rather sore ankle, it having been worked on earlier in the day by my sports masseur. The attic was boiling and the fans were nowhere in sight. I ended up looking in every bag, bin bag, box and other receptacle I could find at the same time swearing profusely at my dear husband who had put them away all those months ago. By now I had rivers of sweat running off me, my ankle was throbbing and I kept hitting my head on the low beams. ....and yes, just as I was about to give up, I found them in a box which had been abandoned and mostly hidden under the eaves - success.

On the same evening as the fan search, we also discovered the existence of nits in Ellie's hair. This was a regular occurance in reception class but since then nothing. Fot those parents familiar to this and I am sure that includes most of you, the process is lengthy and needs repeating daily. Did I need this, no!

Finally when I should have been on a conference call with my attraction marketing group on Tuesday evening, I was baling water alongside my wonderful neighbour to try and save my office from being flooded. The torrential rain caused a back flow from the drains as they could not cope with the quantity of water and this in turn led to one of the flag stones on my patio being pushed up by the force of the water and it all flowed down the garden. At first I was quite energised by the power of the storm and then realised what was happening. I was in the middle of calling my neighbour when she turned up at the door so that was why Ann and I ended up clothed in cagouls and wellies wading around the garden moving the water into plant pots, borders and all surrounding gardens. It took quite a while to sort out but we did it and what a sense of partnership and achievement we had. However, every time the skies darkened after that I was a little concerned. I did what I could and lifted everything off the floor in the office and then asked the Universe for help in not sending any more torrential rain. A result and I was able to sleep. The job in hand is now to have the whole thing looked at by a builder and re-built if necessary.

In the meantime, the gratitude is that it happened when it did and not in the middle of summer when we, and many of our neighbours would have been away. Also the reminder that building and maintaining good relationships with your neighbours is so important and not only for times of stress. We have a great community and know lots of people in the area. Of course like all relationships, you have to put some work into it but having great neighbours is a lovely feeling and has so many benefits. You feel part of something, there are people who look out for you, in our situation we get together on a regular basis and help each other out when we can. Ann and Matt have become very dear friends and we help and support each other a lot so as she left on Tuesday evening I knew she meant it when she added 'If it all starts flooding in the middle of the night, call us'

Saturday, June 10, 2006

On the mend

As you can tell my sore foot and the forced lack of walking is of major consideration to me at present. I am delighted to say that for the first time today, I was able to walk on my foot without hobbling - progress indeed.

Not planning to overdo it though I am now about to put my feet up and sit in the sun with a good book. It should be peaceful as most of the country is preparing to watch England's first match in the World Cup. Peaceful until they score a goal of course then due to open windows and doors, I bet you I hear it in all round sound.

Whatever you are doing and wherever you are take some 'me' time and do what you want to do. Enjoy.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The balloon and stick

This morning I came across a balloon on a stick lying by the side of the footpath. No doubt someone was very upset to have lost it but as it struggled to take flight it was hampered by the stick which was holding it down, its weight just too much for it to become free.

As the breeze caught it, I couldn't help but imagine a dialogue whereby the balloon was trying to get away and the stick was keeping it grounded. How frustrating for both.

How often do you want to fly and something holds you back just like the stick and balloon? What would you have to do to shake the stick off in your particular situation and soar into the sky? Lots of things drain our energy and weigh heavy on us. What could you do with releasing yourself from and what would it take?

It would have been very easy for me to lift the balloon and free it from the stick so perhaps detaching yourself from the weight on you is not necessarily that difficult. Why not give it a try?

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I'm getting there.

So who was baffled by MFEMF then? Yes, I was too and haven't a clue how it got into yesterday's blog. When I wrote it, it said Ellie and I but somewhere in the publishing things changed. Hope I had some of you baffled though, it keeps the interest up.

I am back in the office with my foot encased in an ankle bandage and up on a chair supported by cushions - all I really need is the chaise longue and someone feeding me grapes but then I would probably not be able to reach the keyboard. The foot is on the mend so the TLC is working. No swelling at all after yesterday although it was quite painful. Today the pain is lessened too. I am hopeful for the weekend especially as my MBT walking shoes are so supportive.

Sadly the high strappy sandals I had envisaged wearing tonight when I go to Elaine’s party will have to be swapped for more sensible footwear otherwise I think I could do even more damage this time.

Elaine is one of my dearest friends and tonight is celebrating 10 years in business. She works hard, plays hard and is great at celebrating so tonight will be fun. Elaine runs her own medical PR company and I am so in awe of all she has achieved, she is a great lady. If you ever need her services, have a look at

Thanks by the way to all who have sent their best wishes and to dear Lindsey for all the tips especially the arnica cream. I shall add that to my ever growing list of walking (or in this case falling down tips)

Monday, June 05, 2006

walking's off

Well it is for a little while, my walking that is. I have sprained my ankle and it wasn't due to an over indulgence of alcohol or because I was dancing on the table. Shall I tell you more?

Last week MFEMF and I went off to France for half term. Although I knew I wasn't going to be able to do any of my long 10-12 mile walks, we packed the gear so that the mother and daughter bonding could continue over some of my favourite walks in the woods and along the hillside. Unfortunately, unknown to me my walking days on this occasion were numbered.

We stayed with some friends on the Monday evening (we had just arrived on Sunday) and I got to try out the brand new bedroom. The bed was so comfortable that when I woke in the early hours the thought of getting out of bed to go to the loo was not at all appealing. Need got the better of me though and I made my way in the darkness along the corridor being careful to remember the few steps from one level to another. However, I did not remember how many steps and the next moment I crashed to the floor having dropped a bit further than planned. The shock hit first and then the excruciating pain followed by that horrible cold and hot period when you feel you are going to be ill.

I am not sure how long I sat there but all sorts of scenarios passed through my mind from wondering how I would get home if I had broken my ankle or foot to thinking how I could still do my 60K walk. I managed to get back to bed and lay as still as I could while my foot throbbed.

Well its not broken just badly bruised and swollen. I managed to get my trainers on the following day and my little accident helped Chris and Roo realise that perhaps they needed some light in that area before they rented their house out. At least my falling had its uses.

Now I sit in the office with my foot up on a chair and an ankle bandage for extra support. I had to cancel my walk on Sunday as I figured 10 miles may not be a good idea. I am taking loads of care now and hoping that walking at the weekend may be possible. This lack of walking is getting to me but that is also a good sign as clearly it has become so much part of me that it is not a trial to do. It's the way I wanted my exercise to be.

Any tips orsuggestions regarding my predicament very welcome.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Evolution and mergers

Evolution seems to feature strongly in all that I do at present and I have decided that I really quite like it. I like it especially when I am in the right mind set to trust that things will go as I want them to. It feels natural and calming.

My Walkers' Coach site is continuously evolving as ideas flow and I try out and toss around many new things. The site is out there but I am well aware that it is unlikely to remain static in any way for the next number of months. It needs to be used and then to grow as a result. For me I like this flow and momentum. How about you? Can you go with the flow or does it make you uncomfortable? Would you like to be able to be in that mode or are you happy where you are?

When I started blogging about a year ago my blog was around the work that I did but as I introduced more walking into my life a walking blog also was established. However, coming back to evolution, I have found trying to regularly write two blogs and three newsletters a bit of a challenge so I am going with the flow and merging my blogs. Now you will get one that is the essence of me and my passions - my coaching, my walking, my love of travel, food and drink. They all sit well together.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Making the most of the moment

Today was truly one of those 'glad to be alive days' and it was like that right from the moment the alarm went off. If the truth be told, I was awake anyhow but not wanting to open my eyes - I was savouring every moment. When I did open my eyes though , I could see the blue sky through the curtains and that was all I needed to propel me out of bed and into the walking gear. I hit the streets at 7.15 a.m. and it was bliss. Not that many folk about, clear air, space and I loved it. It's such a great start to the day.

Breakfasted, showered and feeling great I opened the door just after 9.00 to Ginny who I had not spent any really good quality time with for ages and we proceeded to catch up while enjoying the sun in the garden as we sipped on glasses of water - the simple things in life but how precious they are.

Today I did what I wanted to do. Today I enjoyed the sunshine and the lack of deadlines. Today I took time out for others who I wanted to spend time with.

Recently there have been incidents regarding health, mostly of others which pull you up fast and make you aware of how we do not know what is in store for us. In so many cases, people need to go through traumatic times to realise how precious things are. I am trying to learn from that and live in the moment and make the most of what is on offer. Today it was the sunshine. I shall try and do the same tomorrow. Are you making the most of things?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

In the flow.

It is such a beautiful day here and as I write I am sitting in my office at the bottom of the garden looking at the winter jasmine in full bloom and the enhanced colours caused by the sunshine on everything in the garden.

This morning as I left at 7.00 for a client meeting the sky was streaked with pink and gold as the sun manoeuvred itself into place. It was really cold but I felt at one with the world and walking briskly soon got rid of any chill.

This week has been a good one and it wasn't until now that I realised how it's been building and how in the flow I feel. I am being really productive, I am getting through my ‘to do’ list with ease and planning the next day the evening before. What is fantastic though is the coaching I have been doing. It is so strong and dynamic and I know I am positively affecting all of my clients. I feel so energised and alive.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The simple things

Yesterday my biggest thrill was from having a productive day and getting through everything I had on my 'to do' list. A couple of years ago that would not have been possible as I always crammed the list full and no-one but no-one could have completed it. Now I am much more realistic.

I also spent a very enjoyable hour with the mum of one of my daughter's school friends. We had a chat and a cup of coffee when I went to pick Ellie up and when I got home Alan had tea waiting. It was delicious but very simple and tasty.

This morning I have been getting very excited about the daffodils that are poking up through the soil in the window boxes and pots. It is such a sign that spring is on the way. This morning, on the return journey of my walk, I also squeezed the rosemary bush that I pass and took in the aroma on the palm of my hand. It is a small I love and it always makes me feel good.

I intend to have just as good a day today and I can guess that loads more simple things will be what makes it worth while.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Words that mean so much.

The birthday is now over for another year but somehow the celebrations are still been strung out. Two late pressies arrived yesterday, one in the post and one delivered by hand and we are now eagerly awaiting the pack about Monica our sponsored dog.

The party was on Saturday and so high was the excitement level that Ellie was downstairs at 3.30a.m. unable to sleep and thinking that it had to be morning. She returned to bed with little trouble but I was left tossing and turning unable to get back into the groove.

The party went off smoothly with wonderful plates and plaques being painted at the local pottery cafe and then back to ours for pizza and cake - must go and pick up the plates etc today and deliver safely into eager hands.

On Saturday evening her best friend stayed over and on Sunday morning over a special birthday breakfast of muffins and mango she opened her other presents. The most surprising one was the possibility that Grandma could have sent a duvet - luckily that was only what the box said as it was a lovely purple suede bean cube.

On Sunday evening the three of us went to Pizza Express, Ellie's favourite restaurant for tea and as we walked home this vivacious 9 year old turned to her mum and dad and said 'I'd just like to thank you for all you have done to give me such a great birthday and for all my lovely pressies and I would like to tell you that I love you both so much’. Well what more can you say?

Monday, January 23, 2006

The pleasure of giving

It is such a joy to give presents and to see the recipient's face when they discover what the gift is. It is my daughter's 9th birthday at the weekend and she has been counting down the days since Christmas.

I had planned on a certain gift that was going to form part of her birthday and it was something she had wanted for ages. As it involved the internet, I was going to go through the process on her actual birthday and when she had mentioned this particular 'thing' over the past number of weeks I had managed to distract her. Not so this evening when she asked once again about sponsoring a dog through the Dog's Trust - She even suggested that we could do it as part of her birthday. Somehow the timing just seemed right so for the past 40 minutes we have been on the internet researching and then choosing her dog. Some of the dogs can be visited so that became something we wanted if possible and it was. As a result I have a very excited little girl, a very grateful little girl and one who now sponsores the lovely Monica who lives in Shoreham-on-sea. Happily not too far away so we can plan a trip to the seaside and visit Monica as well.

Ellie is so happy, her little face aglow and eagerly awaiting the welcome pack full of photos, information and lots of other goodies.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

How well do you know your local area?

In a large city it is not always easy to get to know the entire place intimately. You probably know the areas you go to regularly quite well whether in your own back yard or centrally but what about the sections of the main thoroughfare or off your own habitual routes.

When people are evaluating their lives, a tip they are often given is to do something different even if it's changing your route to the bus stop or train station.

As an avid walker I feel that I know my own back yard quite well but in conversation with a friend yesterday, it became clear that an area only a few miles away was not known by me in any detail at all. I shall add that to my list of places to walk as I have discovered that walking is the best and most enjoyable way to familiarise yourself with places. I should not be at all surprised by this as when I travel my preferred way of exploring is on foot. Doing that, you get so much more of a feel for a place and see more of the culture and people. The same is true in your own town, village or city.

Yesterday on a walk that had no specified destination, I discovered newly developed areas, shops, landmarks as well as pubs, coffee shops and restaurants. It was a true walk of discovery and was so much fun too.

We also saw the barge taking the whale that had swum up the Thames back out to the sea. It was a rather poignant moment. Why not take a walk yourself and have some fun?

Friday, January 20, 2006

Mature staff

Why oh why can more employers see the benefits of employing older staff?

Even if they do not wish to address the issue at present, they are going to have to as the working population dictates the need to employ those who may well form the majority in years to come.

I had a conversation with a lovely lady yesterday evening who due to the termination of a short term contract needs to find a new job. She is in her late fifties (not at all 'old') and has such a wealth of experience. We talked at length about her skills and experience, the things she enjoyed, the kind of work she wishes to do and what she feels she brings to a job. I know she would be an asset to any employer.

She is a real people person, interested, enthusiastic, reliable, has great values and has initiative. She is looking for a long term permanent job, she does not want to flit or build a career and she wants to give.

Thank goodness for organisations like Forties People whose strap line is 'provider of mature office personnel'. I know where I will be suggesting my client goes after I have worked with her on her CV. Come on agencies and employers, look to the benefits a more mature person will bring to you and your organisation.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Helpless at the end of a phone

When using our office number you can get through to mediacoach (the media training and crisis management side of our business) or waringwell which deals with career development. Due to my business partner's expertise he gives of his time freely regarding dealing with the media to a charity helping the victims of stalking.

Yesterday I took a call from a lady who has been stalked for many years and she needed some immediate help as she had just discovered that her cover had just been blown yet again as the result of someone not being diligent about what information was posted where. She and her children have had to move and assume new identies on numerous occasions and at last they thought they were safe.

Unfortunately, our number is not an appropriate one to give out to anyone other than the press in this situation but somehow she had got it and expected some sort of help. She was amazingly calm and we talked for 10 minutes or so. I explained the situation and apologised for not being able to do anything but I did what I could. I listened and was supportive but I felt so helpless. The services for the victims of stalking are scarce and those that do exist do not have the recourses they need to provide 24 hour cover. This lovely woman who was in this situation through no fault of her own got her emotional support from the lady on the helpline and was now wonders where the money was going to come from to help her and her children move abroad and start again.

The whole episode left me with such a range of emotions among them great sadness and anger. I am wondering what I can do to help which is realistic. I know I will find something but if any of you readers have any suggestions, please let me know.

Monday, January 09, 2006


Today is my first official day back at work for 2006 and it is so exciting. There are loads of projects set up in late 2005 that need work to bring them to fruition and my head is buzzing with ideas and thoughts. Today is therefore an organising day and my intention is to list down all the projects as well as a separate list of other thinbgs to do and then to timetable them all into the diary. Said like that it all sounds relatively simple so what can possible go wrong? Does this sound familiar to you?

The intention is there, the willpower is there, the motivation is there but I know that procrastination and gremlins are never far away. Forearmed is forewarned though so i figure I am in a good position to move on. I know my obstacles - after all I have plenty of experience of falling at some of these fences before - but this year i am even stronger and I will get there. Some of my projects involve others which is always good as there is someone else to be accountable to and someone to push and keep the momentum going.

Keep reading and you will find out more.

Monday, January 02, 2006

That New Year feeling

As New Year approaches, I start to get restless and find myself wanting to plan and put into practice lots of things. There's the list of places to travel to, things to do, places to visit, restaurants to sample and new activities etc. Just before the New Year dawned, we as a family, were discussing what we all wanted to do. One of the areas for discussion was trying out new things and as it had been suggested that we go ten pin bowling on the 2nd Jan, Ellie and I were destined to get that opportunity very soon. Neither of us had tried before and both of us were a tad nervous - fear of the unknown, I suppose and in my case the fear of making a fool of myself.

Ellie's opportunity moved ever closer when our friends and neighbours asked to take her bowling on New Year's Eve. I knew that she would hesitate in her decision so I immediately said yes and off she went to get her shoes and coat. Her little face looked rather concerned as she set off but I need not have worried as 4 hours later she returned triumphant. She had scored two strikes, had a ball and couldn’t wait till today.

Now it was my turn to be nervous - Alan had bowled years ago and all our friends had done so before so would I make a real fool of myself. The whole place was not as intimidating as I had thought, after all who was going to be thinking about or watching me when they were there with friends and family. My first go saw me get a strike but then of course in the next go I thought about it all too much and stepped on the line scoring nothing. Beginner's luck? No, you make your own luck so I thought about the basics of Timothy Galway's great book 'The Inner Game of Tennis' and the simplicity he uses and applied it. I did not get any more strikes but I played a good game, thoroughly enjoyed it and will be back in the not too distant future for some more. Ellie, in the meantime, has decided this is one of her favourite sports now and wants to go again tomorrow. For both of us there's a new activity tried and tested in the book already. Wonder what will be next?