Did you know that Woody Allen suggests that 70% of the secret of networking is "being there!" If you aren't there, no networking will happen. Are you using networking not only to forward your business but also to help you build your career? We have a couple of e-courses that help you do just that. - http://www.waringwell.com/
With WaringWell I network sporadically, much of my business comes from my website but it also comes from those I have networked with in the past. It often comes from those in the same business but in areas where we complement.
Many people shy away from working with people who do the same thing as they view them as the enemy. The opposite is often true and as my business partner says 'better to be on side and know what is happening than to be kept in the dark'. How about you review your so called competitors and see whether forging relationships makes sense. It could be a win:win for all concerned.
I know that as I build walkers' coach, I am going to be out there networking more regularly and building relationships that will benefit as many as possible.
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