Monday, January 09, 2006


Today is my first official day back at work for 2006 and it is so exciting. There are loads of projects set up in late 2005 that need work to bring them to fruition and my head is buzzing with ideas and thoughts. Today is therefore an organising day and my intention is to list down all the projects as well as a separate list of other thinbgs to do and then to timetable them all into the diary. Said like that it all sounds relatively simple so what can possible go wrong? Does this sound familiar to you?

The intention is there, the willpower is there, the motivation is there but I know that procrastination and gremlins are never far away. Forearmed is forewarned though so i figure I am in a good position to move on. I know my obstacles - after all I have plenty of experience of falling at some of these fences before - but this year i am even stronger and I will get there. Some of my projects involve others which is always good as there is someone else to be accountable to and someone to push and keep the momentum going.

Keep reading and you will find out more.

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