I returned from my summer break with the best of intentions but somehow regular blogging has evaded me. Sorry therefore, to anyone who has been looking for regular updates. I do hope that the month of October will be better though, I intend to make it so.
The lack of blogging has been due to an increased work level which has been brilliant and each month I seem to be attracting more and more of my ideal clients and doing even more of the work I really love to do. It's such a delight. I hope this is happening to you too. If not, and you want to make this happen, consider working with me for a while.
September was the month of my fundraising walk and what a pleasure that was. You will find more information on the walk on http://www.walkerscoach.com/ by the end of the week. As a result of doing the walk I allowed myself a few days off my early morning walks and then because of being busy, my walking was developing along the lines of fewer days but longer walks and that was good too. I found it was all about not beating myself up but allowing myself to find what worked for me in the situation. I think that this is something we could all explore further. It was great fun doing it differently too and it brought different and additional things into play.
This week, the pattern is a bit of both but what I have discovered is that in the early morning, my senses are so much more alert especially the sense of smell. On two of my routes, I pass rosemary bushes and I love to squeeze a few bits of this to release that wonderful aroma. I cannot walk past without doing this. I also love lavender and basil. This morning as I walked the scent of citrus filled the air and it was a while before the gentleman eating an orange passed me. It took me back to Seville and to summer mornings and eating outside.
Walking is good for us in so many ways and not always how we expect.
Would love to have your comments on some or all of this. Until the next time, which I intend to be soon, take care and get out there walking.
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