Thursday, January 25, 2007

It's all coming together.

I'm feeling a little smug. I went to my second Pilates class today (remember this is me getting back into it after a long gap) and Mike was asking how I felt after last week's session. I remember thinking at the time that I would probably ache. 'Fine', I responded 'no aches or pains at all.' I then added 'so I am either fitter than I thought or I did it all wrong'. I was so pleased when he said he'd been watching and I did it well, seems I am fitter after all.

I was not so smug after meditation though as I had not done any since December - tut, tut. It was good to get back into it though and I feel I have had a good kick start. So I shall try to do some between now and Monday and then it gets added to the mix.

I am enjoying this way of adding things. It means the first ones get bedded in before the next one comes along and it seems to be working well. How are things going for you and your intentions for 2007? If I can help, let me know -

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