Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The effect of others

How do you feel when you have spent time with others? Do you feel inspired, energised, drained, sad, happy, weary, motivated......?

Perhaps different people have different effects on you - how long do those effects last?

As it is the beginning of a new year and hopefully you are looking out optimistically at all there is on offer, then I suggest you ponder these questions. Consider very carefully how you feel and if your relationships, meetings, colleagues, friends etc are not leaving you feeling upbeat and ready to soar then what action do you need to take as a result.

Today was my first day back at work since Dec 22nd and I started the day with a meeting with a fellow coach and walker, Geraldine. It was great to see her and as usual we chatted continuously. Two and a half hours passed and I felt as if we had just begun, better still we had supported each other, discussed numerous ideas, laughed and planned a development day to discuss some business ideas further. I left the meeting full of energy and buzzing with excitement.

A couple of hours later I was on a call with one of my business partners who lives in Italy. She called to discuss a potential joint training and coaching project and also to discuss some great walks she had discovered which would be great for walkers coach. Jacky is working with me on that too from the Italian perspective. Once again I came off the phone inspired and looking forward to taking this further.

Is this how you feel? Is this how you would like to feel? What can you do now and in the next 7-10 days to ensure this happens more and more? It's over to you.

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