Putting systems and processes in place increases your efficiency and organisation. It's what forms those firm foundations on which successful businesses grow. That's my mission and passion. This blog shares with you my thoughts, strategies, tips and experiences to help you do just that. And don't be surprised if my walking finds its way in, after all it's often what inspires and motivates.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Moving on.
Happily, nothing worrying to report just need to do some extra stretching and Mike demonstrated. I was determined that it was nothing serious.
This year so far is all about learning to juggle all the things I want in my life and slowly introduce them. I am also learning new things that my 10 year old adapts to like a duck to water. After ripping loads of CD's on Saturday I was disappointed that none had made it through to the ipod. Well I cracked that one today so another step in the right direction and another little achievement.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
It's all coming together.
I was not so smug after meditation though as I had not done any since December - tut, tut. It was good to get back into it though and I feel I have had a good kick start. So I shall try to do some between now and Monday and then it gets added to the mix.
I am enjoying this way of adding things. It means the first ones get bedded in before the next one comes along and it seems to be working well. How are things going for you and your intentions for 2007? If I can help, let me know - heather@waringwell.com
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Winter wonderland
I know it all sounds a bit strange to say all this but it was like entering a magical world. Part of me wished I had the camera although I realised that it was still too dark for photos to come out and to use a flash would not capture it as it was. Instead I just drank it all in.
In so many places I walked on virgin snow and left only my trail of footprints. There is that lovely muted crunch sound that you get when your foot presses into the snow and the slight muffled squeak when your foot moves onto the next step. In fact all the sounds were muffled and the quietness more silent than usual. All the result of the blanket of snow, I guess
Snow brings out the child in me but there was nowhere to make snow angels and snowball fights on your own don't really work. There was a boy I passed who tried though and then I was brought back to my mum role when a voice said 'James, come in and get ready'. 'I am', came the reply. Have you got your....' - I didn't hear the word. 'no' answered James. 'Then you aren't ready are you?' Well at least it's not only me having that sort of dialogue.
As I neared home there were more people about and more cars and the snow was beinging to get slushy and slippy. Where I'd been striding out 30 minutes before, I had to watch my feet and move more slowly. The magic world was slowly fading away.
It all came as a bit of a surprise when I opened the curtains this morning, I wonder what tomorrow will have in store.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Blue Monday!
I wonder if labelling today makes people feel worse. Does it draw attention to feeling low and in fact make people feel that way when they aren't? Are we saying that you should feel low today? OK, the weather is not very good but I still have geraniums growing in my window boxes and the clematis and winter jasmine are both out. I saw some great friends on Friday and there are lots of things to look forward to.
Does telling you that this is the most depressing day at least give you hope for the rest of the year? I mean it must be uphill from here, mustn't it?
At the end of the day we are individually responsible for our own happiness. Only we can take control and bring about the change in our lives so let's show ourselves and the world that this day does not have to be depressing after all. What could you do? Meet a friend for lunch. Go for a drink after work. Get some holiday brochures. Buy some flowers for your desk. Phone or email a friend. Book a massage. Go for a walk. Take 15 minutes 'me' time. The possibilities are endless.
The good news is that 'a total of 85 per cent of Britons expect to be happier in the future than they are now', a psychological study for Standard Life Bank found. Scots were the most optimistic, followed closely by the Irish, while those from the West Midlands had the least positive outlook on life, researchers discovered.
The study shows work will become less of a focus for Britons this year, with taking up a new hobby the top tactic for being happier in 2007. Is this what you are planning? Those interviewed also said they planned to reduce their working hours or retire and take a gap year in order to improve their quality of life. The research – entitled the Freestyle Happiness Index – also found that the nation's optimism is being boosted by a falling interest in material possessions. People also said they hoped to make themselves happier by clearing their debts, paying off their mortgage and achieving financial security.
It all sounds good to me. If you are struggling, have a think about what would make you happier and start now by taking one small step. See you are on the journey already.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Sad and angry.
I am in a sad and also angry place as I write this blog as I have just heard that one of my wonderful East End Girls' breast cancer has returned. She is a larger that life, wonderful lady who is a real inspiration to all of this and if anyone can get on top of this she will. I am behind her fully but I am angry that she is having to fight this again when there are so many other things that she would rather put her energies into...
I am angry that this disease is attacking so many of my lovely girl friends and acquaintances and it just makes my resolve even stronger to do what I can to help.
I know no-one knows what causes this, they are still researching and that of course makes it harder to prevent but we do know that giving health a top priority cannot do any harm. So ladies think about how you honour your health. Are you eating well? Are you getting those fruits and veg that are so beneficial? Could you give up those cigarettes or that addiction to chocolate - I am fighting mine, this year. Are you doing enough exercise? Can you fit more into your life? Why not try walking, that's how I did it and a friend said to me last night 'You are so much more centered when you are walking regularly'. Clearly it is noticeable and it helps me in so many other ways too.
Gents, I know that you can get this too and that you lose people as well through breast cancer so I am not overlooking you too, I am just reacting as me.
This sort of thing should make all of us realise just how important every day is. Are you loving every day to the full? If not, start now. Stop putting things of until.........you do not know if that day will come. Enjoy it and live it now for the gift every day is.
Tina, you can rise above this in your wonderful sunny, full of life style. Go fight it girl and know that I am there for you in whatever way you need me. Much love. xx
Friday, January 19, 2007
Comments please
It would be so good to hear about what you all think of it and also what you think of the blog and what I post, so come on let's have some postings from all of you next week.
On my walk in the morning, I was struggling against the wind one moment, thinking at least that I would be burning up lots of extra calories and then the next moment was being blown along with such gusto that all the hard work (calorie wise) had just been undone. I suppose that is rather like life - sometimes it is a hard struggle and at other times it literally breezes by and you actually have to experience both so you can fully appreciate it all.
There are lessons to learn at all stages - things that we can take forward, things that we can leave aside never to be repeated and ideas of new things to try. Rather than take my word for it, start now and take as much as you can from all that happens in your life and use it. My guess is that there will be much more times in life that 'breeze on by' as a result.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I took a longer walk that usual this morning as I was going straight to see Sanna Anderson for a nutrition consultation. Sanna is the walkers' coach nutritionist so I know her fairly well. We have discussed at length issues around nutrition and walking and are working on a dual approach to weight loss that we will be able to tell you about soon, but I had never experienced one of her one to one consultations.
Well I was blown away and came out feeling so much more informed and very empowered by what I now know I can do to help me overcome the obstacles I have to even better health.
In advance I had filled in an online questionnaire and this was the first thing Sanna went through. There was plenty of opportunity to ask questions and Sanna is so good at explaining everything, giving examples where possible which really helped. Everything I needed to know was written out for me and I now have an action plan.
One of my questions was about the need to take supplements, vitamins etc and this was all explained and recommendations given for the best I could use. She made it as easy for me as possible and I really did feel that this was a highly personalised consultation.
Our health is so important, should be our first priority and I feel we all could do more so if you can, go and have some of what I had, you won't be disappointed. http://www.sannahealth.com/
Friday, January 12, 2007
Benefits already!
This morning I pulled on a pair of jeans which last week were tight on my waist and all day today I was pulling them up as they are rather loose. As one of my intentions for 2007 is to lose one and a half to two stone before I go to Peru, this is a great start. What a feeling.
And due to turbo charge and walking daily since Monday my energy levels have improved so todays walk felt so good - I am looking forward to walking with the East End Girls on Sunday.
Finally I finished my working day with a facial, always great especially when given by Emily who commented on how good my skin was looking.
I think I well deserved the trip to the cinema with my friend Paula and our daughters. We went to see 'Miss Potter' which was such a lovely film and as much of it was filmed in the Lake District, the scenery was superb. I kept thinking ' I have walked there' and it made me want to get back up there again soon.
A great week.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Is it Friday?
So much has happened this week in terms of very productive meetings, client sessions, following up and keeping up with my emails (one of my new year intentions) that I am convinced I have done more than 4 days work. Of course, it has also been the first full week back at work!!
Then today from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. I was involved in a brainstorming session with a good friend and fellow coach as we explored all aspects of walkers' coach. It was challenging and inspiring but also exhausting so I am now going to get a cup of tea, sit down beside the fire and read some of my novel.
I shall let all we discussed marinate in my brain and the tomorrow will see what comes to the surface and alerts me to what will happen next. Guidance for me is often to 'go with the flow and trust' and I can't think of a better way to deal with this.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Walking , it is so good.
Poor Ellie, whose cold and sore throat has gradually worsened, woke me three times during the night. It's an unusual occurance for her so I don't mind but standing in a cold bathroom for 15 minutes or longer in the middle of the night is not what anyone wants.
The last awakening was at 6.3o and the alarm goes off at 7.00. As I was whacked, I climbed
back into bed telling my husband that if I was asleep at 7.00, he was to leave me until 8.30. I actually do not think I slept again, just dozed so when the alarm went, it seemed churlish not to get out there, so I did.
I never go for a walk and come back in a worse frame of mind, something for all of you out there to bear in mind. It always energises me and just puts a different perspective on things. It is also so good for clearing your head and as for that physical activity - well, need I say more.
I met a great lady yesterday called Alison (more about her at a later date) and although walking was not what brought us together, she is into her walking too. She was telling me that when her business was home based that she would work from 6-8 a.m. and then go for an hour's walk in the park which was close by. This, she said , was her equivalent of 'walking to work'. What a brilliant idea for all you homeworkers. Often when we work from home the need to move from base is limited so this is a way of getting out there, benefitting from walking in all the ways there are and no doubt getting to know your community better - another win:win. Thanks for that one Alison.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Success with intention setting!
This was the day that I had decided that the Inca Trail training started properly so even though I had not slept well - small child in bed with me for some of the night as she was not too well, I managed to get out of bed once the alarm sounded.
At this time of year my 7.00a.m walk starts in the dark, well seems like it anyhow but dawn breaks as I am pounding the footpath and it's quite a privilege to watch the world wake up. This morning my walk was accompanied by birdsong and the moon as well as the numerous dog walkers I met on my way.
Most people speak at this time, perhaps because we are in the minority and I just love being part of the relatively quiet world before it gets cranked up to its ferocious pace.
I know walking at this time is not everyone's 'cup of tea' but it is amazing how good you feel once you get out there and there is something about coming back to have breakfast knowing that you have already done your exercise for the day. I feel positively virtuous.
This morning was also when I started the Jason Vale 'Turbo Charge your life in 14 days' programme so breakfast consisted of a wonderful Turbo-charge smoothie. http://www.thejuicemaster.com/ With all that fruit and veg coursing through your body it is hard to feel anything but healthy and at 11.55 I am still not hungry. Teresa has also started this on my recommendation so I am looking forward to comparing notes.
Finally just to show how wonderful I am, I also started the old body brushing technique this morning before my shower and braved 60 secs under the cold shower before getting out - hard at the time with lots of yelping sounds coming from the bathroom I am sure but what about that warm glow you feel immediately after. I used to do this all the time.
So, I have set quite a few things in motion, keep reading to see how we all progress and let's hear your comments either on the blog or email me at heather@walkerscoach.com
Friday, January 05, 2007
The strength of commitment.
One of the things I have not been doing so much of lately has been networking as work has been flowing in regularly. However, as I now want to promote walkers' coach it is one thing I intend to do lots more of in 2007.
I have been contacting people I have not seen for ages and arranging 'one to ones'. So many have replied in the last day or too and my diary is now getting busy. I also made the decision before the end of December to get out there and attend more networking events and the first one was this morning.
My lovely coach Judith Morgan has moved one of her Starbuck Clubs to Canary Wharf so I emailed her yesterday and announced that I would be joining them - great. At 11.00 last night as I was heading to bed my husband commented on the fact that I would have to be up early in the morning - networking event forgotten by me, oops. I started taking down the Christmas tree, listening to the wind and wishing that I had not told Judith I would be there. I knew how warm and cosy my bed would be the next morning....
However, I had committed to going and the intention ensured that I woke at 7.45 and was actually there first. What a lovely event . There was a small, select group, everyone contributed and I found myself adding to my intentions for the year, inspired and delighted that I had made that commitment.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
The effect of others
Perhaps different people have different effects on you - how long do those effects last?
As it is the beginning of a new year and hopefully you are looking out optimistically at all there is on offer, then I suggest you ponder these questions. Consider very carefully how you feel and if your relationships, meetings, colleagues, friends etc are not leaving you feeling upbeat and ready to soar then what action do you need to take as a result.
Today was my first day back at work since Dec 22nd and I started the day with a meeting with a fellow coach and walker, Geraldine. It was great to see her and as usual we chatted continuously. Two and a half hours passed and I felt as if we had just begun, better still we had supported each other, discussed numerous ideas, laughed and planned a development day to discuss some business ideas further. I left the meeting full of energy and buzzing with excitement.
A couple of hours later I was on a call with one of my business partners who lives in Italy. She called to discuss a potential joint training and coaching project and also to discuss some great walks she had discovered which would be great for walkers coach. Jacky is working with me on that too from the Italian perspective. Once again I came off the phone inspired and looking forward to taking this further.
Is this how you feel? Is this how you would like to feel? What can you do now and in the next 7-10 days to ensure this happens more and more? It's over to you.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Getting back to routine
In one way though I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. I have had a great holiday and know that I have benefitted from the break but my head is filling up with all the opportunities out there and I can feel the buzz.
Today I have been decluttering and in doing so have been collecting images for my treasure map and dream book and I have also been sourcing information for the next walkers' coach ezine. If you do not get it in your inbox, visit http://www.walkerscoach.com/ and sign up immediately, you don't want to miss out.
It's another bright and sunny day today which is such a welcome and positive start to any new year. Have you noticed how much happier people are when the sunshines? Are you happy? Are you smiling? If not, what could you do so that you could smile.
Yesterday I indulged my love of walking straight away by bundling the family into the car and going in search of Hainault Forest Park. I'd heard of it before but had never sought it out so we took some action and found a great area of land - a mix of common and forest only 15 minutes drive from home. Armed with cameras we headed off around the lake all in competition to see who could come up with the best New Year's Day photo. We also came across part of the London Loop walk which goes through the forest and there's a children's farm to explore too.
I did notice a nearby tube station which means it is accessible by public transport and I shall be heading back over there to suss out the trails and see whether it is a viable place to run walking groups from. It has a couple of vital ingredients in addition to the walking itself - public toilets and a tea hut - what more could you ask for?
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year
What I need to celebrate a new year is good friends, good food and good wine and we had all of those last night. After planning a party it was a select few who came together but that did not matter at all. Those who could not make it were in our thoughts and we raised a glass to absent friends but in the meantime, we chatted, laughed, told stories and enjoyed the great company.
Earlier in the day, Alan , Ellie and I had watched the Sydney fireworks on TV, remembering the year when we had been lucky enough to actually be there. That prompted us to call the Aussie cousins and wish them a happy new year. We thought of them again later when we watched London's tremendous display using the London Eye as a backdrop. At last London has found something that rivals Sydney and I have to say , I think those Aussies will have to think about making the trip to see our New Year spectacle now!!
I'm off to have a doze now and to chill a little more enjoying the last few days of the holiday. Take care.