Friday, February 23, 2007

Creativity on the hoof!

Another long day yesterday which ended workwise about 9.15 p.m. but what a day!

After dealing with the urgent emails, I then attended a local tourism and leisure show which was great for sourcing information about walking. It is very interesting to note the higher profile that this leisure pursuit now has and the increased leaflets available. I came away with bagfuls of information which I will probably spend some of this weekend sorting through. Thanks to the ever efficient Susan Moore alerted me to the event.

In the evening I attended my first Business Junction Networking event I was bowled over by the interest and enthusiasm people had for walking. People were very willing to share ideas and give me contacts and it was great to finally network on the whole Walkers' Coach concept.

It's been a busy week so it was good to get out of the office today and walk. You have no doubt heard me talk about the many benefits of walking before so I just want to remind you about the increase in creativity when you are out in the fresh air and a world away from your desk. My business partner and I schedule in monthly walking development days. We plan a walk that will take about 3-4 hours with a lovely pub or coffee shop half way round and off we go.

There is never a time when we don't come up with new ideas or manage to solve an issue that has been tossing around for a while. On many occasions we come back richer due to taking the odd call while on the hoof. It reminds me of the late Thomas Leonard who would take coaching sessions as he hiked in Yosemite.

Why not try this development process for yourself or if you feel you need a facilitator, let us know and we will send someone out with you.

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