Friday, September 21, 2007

You can join in too...

I think it must be infectious this de-cluttering. So many people are now doing it and even more are asking for tips etc.

Yes, I am doing it but am no expert so I was very grateful to Rachel who came to my rescue with her Top Tips. No excuse at all now......

1. Set your intention... if you know clearly what you want your room or home to look like it's so much easier to let go of stuff that isn't going to fit your wonderful new look.

2. Draw up a timetable ... if you're contemplating doing the whole house work out a timetable, but do at least one room per week. If the task feels really daunting start with either the easiest or the room you currently hate the most. Getting either one of these sorted will give you a real energy boost and motivate you to get the rest of the house done.

3. No spare room... don't have a 'spare room' in the house, these automatically become dumping grounds, every room should have a purpose and be available for that purpose immediately, i.e. guests could arrive unannounced for the week and all you need to do is get the spare towels out!

4. Limit the boxes... have a limited number of boxes for storage and do not allow yourself to exceed the limit.

5. Six months or so... items you're not sure about letting go of yet but you're not using currently should go in a box with the date on. If you haven't opened the box in 6 months to a year (absolute maximum.) then get rid of it.

If you tend to keep things for emotional reasons or out of obligation, e.g. my auntie gave it to me10 years ago, then remember the gift was in her love and attention, not the actual item.

You can find out more about Rachel and what she does by visiting her website -

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