Monday, September 10, 2007

Set up for the week ahead.

Did you have a good weekend? Mine was lovely.

On Saturday Ellie had a friend round to play after yoga so I had the time to really get even more into the office cleaning. So much better to do it at the weekend as there were no calls and I coule be in my oldest clothes. Not finished yet but the difference already is great and my energy levels are higher too.

On Sunday, Ellie and I had to go and buy a few more things for school and although neither of us really wanted to tramp round the shops, it was a good trip. The rest of the day I spent relaxing and then sharing a bottle or two of fizz with some really close friends.

A good weekend always sets you up nicely for the week ahead so there was no problem in hopping out of bed this morning and into my walking gear. Now that is my favourite start to the day and as usual I can back with lots of ideas. The problem is now finding the time and space to make them happen.

I can sense a great week ahead.

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