Does this happen to you too?
If you remember I'd decided not to beat myself up if I didn't blog every day. Well that was OK but it has now been nearly 2 weeks and every day I think, I've gotta blog today. I'll do it when I get this piece of work done but then that leads to something else and before you know.......
I bet a lot of you out there are agreeing with me.
I know I fill each day too full. Sometimes it all goes to plan and is great, but other days, it goes very astray and I have had a few of those recently. I am learning to ease off on the packing the day but I now have a back log and for my sanity I need to clear it.
So today and tomorrow are office based days and I am lazering through things and feeling better moment by moment. However, How do I ensure that I do not let this happen again. How do you do it? What is the learning here for me?
Will keep you posted but hey, it's good to have got this out on paper.
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