In the office this afternoon, I found myself with a little free time on my hands and nothing specific that I needed to do. Joy of joys, it was a bit like being let loose in a sweet shop.
I finally could spend some time going through old computer filesand the delete button was in continuous action. Why oh why had I kept half that stuff? When was I ever going to need it?
In fact much of what I had filed is well out of date due to my career change. It felt great seeing the files shrink and the deleted file expand. As before , not only space in the files but in my head as well and I am feeling so energetic.
That may also be due to the start to the day when I was scraping ice of the car at 7.00a.m. in temperatures of minus one. Energising? Well knowing that I was going walking was, as was the brisk tramp round Clissold Park in the sunshine and an elevated temperature of 1 degree. Oh, I so love my life.
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