Saturday, March 10, 2007

Energy, bring it on for all of us.

This week has been such a fantastic one on all fronts. There has been so much energy and interestingly a number of people have commented on how energetic I am. Gary my business partner said 'You have great energy and I feel a real buzz every time we exchange news, ideas, etc.' How great is that? Even if I had not been feeling as I had, this would have pepped me up.

Someone else commented on the fact that 'he knew I was smiling when I answered the phone ' and that he 'loved the energy I brought to our relationship'.

I have so much energy because I love what I was doing and again this week someone told me that they knew that 'I was doing the work I was born to do'. I knew that too but how lovely to get the confirmation.

As Annie Meacham would say - ' I am vibrating at a very high level' and that just attracts more.

Even the weather is in alignment, happy yellow daffodils, aromatic pink and blue hyacinths and sunshine in a blue sky. Spring has come and I hope that wherever you are in the world you have got what I have. If not, how can I help you get it for yourself? Walking might just be the key so email me and let's see how I can help -

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