I love the new year, I love the new start and the chance to start again and in some cases put things right or at least that's the way I've sometimes seen it. Thinking about that today makes me realise that 'putting things right' means they were somehow wrong and that suggests failing and brings negativity into it. I am determined to be positive so......for me this is the new canvas and I can paint whatever glorious picture I want.
I am excited and hopeful about what I can create and what will come up for me. The excitement is mellow unlike the dizzy excitement I sometimes feel and actually that's really good. The glorious picture I can see emerging is one of calmness and quality. Slowing down so I can savour instead of rushing through. It's a canvas full of love and nuturing; of appreciation and of putting me first so my needs are met and I can then give more to others. It's full of walking, especially on the Camino with Teresa, and my wonderful East End Girls who I love to bits.
What will you paint? You don't have to complete it in one day, you can let it develop and take shape as the days unfold. Make it full of what you love though, you deserve it.
With regard to my walking, there are already suggestions for another breast cancer walk and I'm also hoping a group of us will do the Big Fun Walk in March. Then there's more of the Camino and our monthly walks. Firstly there's walking with Cajsa on Saturday. Perhaps we should have our own little Essex adventure......
I'm reading Simple Abundance again, I love the book but never seem to finish it. Will this be the year? It doesn't really matter, I learn something every time I read it.
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