Wednesday, January 07, 2009

How happy are you?

I'm still doing my daily Simple Abundance reading and even though I've read it before, there is so much that I need to be reminded of.

Today it talked about what makes us happy and the fact that we could be happy every day if we could take pleasure in what we have and what is around us. It is said that 'we must learn to savour small authentic moments that bring us contentment'

I am really working on this as I do believe we have so much already in our lives. So what are the simple pleasures that make you happy? For me it's sunshine; candles; walking; good quality time with close friends; the forest near my home; hugs from my daughter; being able to help; waking up naturally; a glass of wine.

Make a list of yours and try to include one in every day as well as finding more of the simple things that bring you pleasure.
Just think how great we can be if we are always happy?

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