Wednesday, August 15, 2007


"Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better" so said Samuel Beckett.

That makes me feel better as the number of steps I managed yesterday was far far below my total of the day before. I am quite embarassed to say that I only managed 3,130 - how awful is that?

I know why it happened. It was a horrible day so I did not walk first thing due to pouring rain and then, as happens, I got engossed in other work and the weather was still uninspiring. It is scary though that I walked less than 1/3 of what I did the day before.

I will of course keep at it and I am wearing my pedometer as I write but I have decided that the rest of August will be the trial and shape up and I shall start my experiment in September so there is plenty of time if you want to register your interest in being a 'stepper' too.

...and did you know that failure is a crucial part of the creative process? You see again Simple Abundance has given me the info I need when I need it. Sarah Ban Breathnach goes on to say that authentic success arrines only after we have mastered failing better.

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