Saturday, August 11, 2007

Do it at the time.

How did I manage not to blog yesterday? I even read something fairly early in the day that was meaningful and that I wanted to share but somehow it never got on the blog.

I kept thinking 'I'll do it when I have done 'x'' or 'after lunch I'll set aside time to blog'. My new mantra has got to be to 'do it at the time' - then it is done and I feel better and I have also given you something new to read. If 'the time' is not ideal then I need to write it down on a post it note and give my blogging the next priority. Let's see if it works as the following week pans out.

So what was I going to share?

It was a line out of August 9th's Simple Abundance - a great book by Sarah Ban Breathnach which I have just gone back to reading. In it she writes - "Commit to discovering, acknowledging, appreciating, owning and honouring your personal gifts."

This was very meaningful for me as I have recently been questioning what my personal gifts are? I seem to have got lost in the fog a little and have a lack of focus.

As Sarah writes " it is hard to be true to our gifts if we do not know what they are". From my experience of all my clients, I know that I am not the only person who is a little lost concerning my gifts. What are yours? You will have loads.

Get out that pen and paper and start writing and if you are struggling ask others what they think. As people you trust who you know will be honest with you and ask then what they feel you are good at? What they would say your skills are? What is it about you that they envy? etc. Put aside some questions and ask face to face or telephone or even email them - this is how I am going to do it as I believe the email approach gives people time to think through the question and respond with thought and consideration. I shall do mine next week and will report back. I would love to hear how you get on, email me on or

You'll find out some wonderful things so step out of that comfort zone and give it a go; it could change your life.

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