It's amazing though what a couple of days in a new place will do for you, along with no timelines, warm weather and being able to indulge in my passion, yes, walking is playing a big role.
On Monday, we walked in the mountains, starting in the beautiful town of Soller and visiting a couple of beautiful little villages well placed for coffees and a lunch in the sunshine.
Stopping and having time to take in and revisit all that was discussed and thought through when walking is needed so I always carry a notebook. Doing this, also makes me realise how much I need to do more of this.
As you can see there were lots of 'ups' great for my colleague and friend who's training for a walk on the Great Wall of China. We also walked through many olive groves where the gnarled trees are so beautiful and , if they could speak, would have much wisdom to impart.
I've been making sure I've been putting my stretches into place as I've been walking. The past two days we've done about 9 miles each day but the terrain has been mixed with lots of climbing and scrambling so some muscle groups have been getting more use than they have for a while.
Even as I've been slipping down this slope I know I've still being able to give to others, I'm good at setting my needs aside but this has really made me realise how many of us could do with what I now have. If you identify with any of this, do drop me an email on as one reason I'm here is to suss out a place for a taking women away from their day to day lives and giving them thinking time, 'me' time and pamper time. I'm exploring this in Mallorca and in two places in France at the moment.
I'm a different person from three days ago when I got off that plane frazzled and ready to decombust! In this photo I'm on the return trip after having walked about 4 miles and having had a wonderful lunch of fresh calamares and salad sitting in the sun.
In that time, I've been here I've talked and explored thoughts and ideas often as I've walked. I've really tried to listen and to see things through others eyes as so often we're so close to the issues, we cannot see it clearly. As a result I've looked at my part in all of this and started to plan other ways of doing things.
There are insights already but many more will develop over time and I hope to be able to share some of these with you and perhaps too, the results of the implementation. I feel quite excited now which is a very different place than when I arrived on Sunday. It's all happened in such a short time too and I hope you can see that what we women often need is just a couple of days escape. Much as it would be lovely we're not talking about a week or fortnight away.
Regular battery charging is now more of a priority than it was before. How can I help it be for you too? As I said earlier if any of this makes you think, let's communicate. No commitment, just lets have a chat on skype, email or phone and explore.
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