Friday, July 03, 2009

Praise for Breast Cancer Care

The one thing on my priority list this morning was talking to someone at Breast Cancer Care about my experience of the Pink Ribbon Walk last Saturday. I had been so impressed that I wanted to pass the message on to the people who do all the hard work.

Through the medium of Twitter I was able to get a name and number and I've just called the lovely Georgina who was a delight to speak to.

Having worked for charities myself for many years I know only too well how hard it is to fund raise especially in these challenging times, yet how important it is to get that money in. I also know how often we follow up problems and issues to complain and how easy it is to feel happy about something but never quite get round to letting the people that matter know about it.

I got a load of pleasure being able to pass on this great feedback to Georgina who I'm sure will pass it onto her team and I know I made her very happy too.

So, who could you tell today about some wonderful experience you've had? Who could you feedback to? Whose day could you make? ...and is this something you could do more often?

If you're into walking then I can heartily recommend a Pink Ribbon Walk for you in 2010. Have a look at

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