I get these wonderful Motivator Broadcasts from the wonderful Hazel Palache and for a Monday morning this was so apt I wanted to share it with you:
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." - Zig Ziglar
I was asked recently how I managed to stayed motivated every day. Having not been asked that question for a long time many things have changed so I gave it a minute's thought. You know what I realized; it's really not challenging when you are doing something you love and when you have the right kind of action and marketing plans in place to make it flow more easily.
Have focused creative goals
Create a good marketing plan
Take daily action
Make sure you are serving your ideal client/customer
Be passionate about what you do and know why you are doing it!
Have a coach/mentor to stay on track and keep you accountable!
If you have all the above in place you will find yourself continually motivated.
Hazel is the Entrepreneurs Results Coach. A best selling author, coach and speaker. She is an expert on the subject of creating great results. Her goal is to help you unleash your potential to create the life of your dreams. Learn about her cutting edge result strategies. www.sayyestoyoucoaching.com
..and do get on board and sign up, it's all great stuff.
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