Friday, July 17, 2009

Dark clouds looming

Well there have been plenty of these dark clouds around over the last few days and as you see from my photo this morning , still more abound.
Luckily I was on my way home from my walk when I took this and managed to get home before the rain.

How do these clouds make you feel? What effect does the oncoming storm have? I love the depth of colour, it amazes me how dark it can become and of course it's often fairly warm too so it can feel really weighty and oppressive. Sometimes it can feel like the weight of the world bearing down.

Then of course there was last night. I don't know about where you were but in East London/ Essex there was the most amazing storm that rolled around for hours sending flashes of lightening to illuminate the whole house and crashes of thunder, which Ellie insisted, had caused the house to shake.

I like being safe inside and listening to and watching storms. They are so powerful and remind me how small and insignificant I really am. I don't mean this in a bad way but in a way that brings me to terms with the lack of importance I, like most other individuals, place on small things. When the power of en electric storm is around you, those little things fade.

When a storm has passed the air seems fresher, the burden has been lifted and everything seems lighter. It's as if the torrential rain that usually accompanies these storms has washed , not only the streets but my head too. I feel clearer.

I love the power of all water and love to be by the sea. I love to walk along empty beaches when the sea is pounding the rocks and crashing up the beach. Perhaps this love of water is also why, when my head feels heavy, I often go and have a shower, allowing the power of the water to pummel my scalp and clear my mind.

Where I am in my life at the moment, the storms mirror some of my inner turmoil as I try and decide where I need to go next. Sometimes, I just roll the same things round and round in my head and can see no direction then at other times, I get flashes of clarity just like when the sun shines out of that magnificent blue sky, after the rain.

The storms and erratic weather won't last for ever and neither will my fuzzy head, wonder what will develop out of it all?

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