Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Importance of a meal

Still on my Simple Abundance journey even though I haven't mentioned it in my blog recently. This year I've managed to get the whole way to July 15th without missing a day and I'm getting so much out of this wonderful book. I also know that I'll be reading it again next year and still learning.

I thoroughly recommend it - "simple Abundance - a daybook of Comfort and Joy" - by Sarah Ban Breathnach - request it as a pressie.

There was a lovely piece in it yesterday that I just want to share:
"The evening meal should be the higlight of the day. If the day has been peaceful, pleasurable and profitable, it's time to celebrate. If the day has beeen difficult and discouraging, it's time for comfort and consolation - blessings by themselves and reason to celebrate. Either way the celebrating table bids"

A reminder to us all of the need to stop and to come together to share, to talk, to support and to celebrate.

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