Putting systems and processes in place increases your efficiency and organisation. It's what forms those firm foundations on which successful businesses grow. That's my mission and passion. This blog shares with you my thoughts, strategies, tips and experiences to help you do just that. And don't be surprised if my walking finds its way in, after all it's often what inspires and motivates.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Hazel's Monday Motivator Broadcast
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." - Zig Ziglar
I was asked recently how I managed to stayed motivated every day. Having not been asked that question for a long time many things have changed so I gave it a minute's thought. You know what I realized; it's really not challenging when you are doing something you love and when you have the right kind of action and marketing plans in place to make it flow more easily.
Have focused creative goals
Create a good marketing plan
Take daily action
Make sure you are serving your ideal client/customer
Be passionate about what you do and know why you are doing it!
Have a coach/mentor to stay on track and keep you accountable!
If you have all the above in place you will find yourself continually motivated.
Hazel is the Entrepreneurs Results Coach. A best selling author, coach and speaker. She is an expert on the subject of creating great results. Her goal is to help you unleash your potential to create the life of your dreams. Learn about her cutting edge result strategies. www.sayyestoyoucoaching.com
..and do get on board and sign up, it's all great stuff.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Hectic week
In busy times it's all too easy to let good habits slip a little bit because there's just not time but of course it's a false economy. The time taken to write in my journal, have 15 mins meditation time , go for my early morning walk actually doesn't take that long and is an investment in 'me'. After a few days, I've begun to notice that I'm not quite as in flow as I was and my cheery disposition isn't quite so cheery.
However, at least I'm aware of it and can take some action to restore these good habits and improve life for all around and especially for me. So I'll be having an early night, walking tomorrow and doing some reading and journal writing on Sunday.
Hope you have a great weekend too.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Dark clouds looming
How do these clouds make you feel? What effect does the oncoming storm have? I love the depth of colour, it amazes me how dark it can become and of course it's often fairly warm too so it can feel really weighty and oppressive. Sometimes it can feel like the weight of the world bearing down.
Then of course there was last night. I don't know about where you were but in East London/ Essex there was the most amazing storm that rolled around for hours sending flashes of lightening to illuminate the whole house and crashes of thunder, which Ellie insisted, had caused the house to shake.
I like being safe inside and listening to and watching storms. They are so powerful and remind me how small and insignificant I really am. I don't mean this in a bad way but in a way that brings me to terms with the lack of importance I, like most other individuals, place on small things. When the power of en electric storm is around you, those little things fade.
When a storm has passed the air seems fresher, the burden has been lifted and everything seems lighter. It's as if the torrential rain that usually accompanies these storms has washed , not only the streets but my head too. I feel clearer.
I love the power of all water and love to be by the sea. I love to walk along empty beaches when the sea is pounding the rocks and crashing up the beach. Perhaps this love of water is also why, when my head feels heavy, I often go and have a shower, allowing the power of the water to pummel my scalp and clear my mind.
Where I am in my life at the moment, the storms mirror some of my inner turmoil as I try and decide where I need to go next. Sometimes, I just roll the same things round and round in my head and can see no direction then at other times, I get flashes of clarity just like when the sun shines out of that magnificent blue sky, after the rain.
The storms and erratic weather won't last for ever and neither will my fuzzy head, wonder what will develop out of it all?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The fun and challenge of midlife.

There is something about those ‘big’ birthdays that end with a nought… they symbolise the ending of one decade and the beginning of another (obviously, duh!) but there’s something else about them. For a start, they tend to be the birthdays that many people find ‘difficult’. They seem to represent a psychological threshold – with some determined to stay THIS side of the threshold and others realising that they want things to be somehow ‘different’ the other side of the threshold.
For the baby boomer generation, our 40’s and 50’s represent something very different to that of our parent’s that’s for sure. Age boundaries are considerably more ‘fluid’ now, due in no small part to improvements in health, wealth and education – consequently, we have different opportunities and expectations. When I was 40, I gave birth for the first time, another friend became a grandmother for the second time and another was forging an impressive career path in corporate banking. All a similar age but each with very different realities.
We now know that 40 is the ‘new 30’ and 50 is the ‘new 40’, don’t we? What we don’t really know is WHAT the ‘new 30’ or the ‘new 40’ actually means for us – but at some point during these years, we are very likely to embark on the distinctive midlife journey in an attempt to find out.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Importance of a meal
I thoroughly recommend it - "simple Abundance - a daybook of Comfort and Joy" - by Sarah Ban Breathnach - request it as a pressie.
There was a lovely piece in it yesterday that I just want to share:
"The evening meal should be the higlight of the day. If the day has been peaceful, pleasurable and profitable, it's time to celebrate. If the day has beeen difficult and discouraging, it's time for comfort and consolation - blessings by themselves and reason to celebrate. Either way the celebrating table bids"
A reminder to us all of the need to stop and to come together to share, to talk, to support and to celebrate.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Are you committed?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Network on foot too.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Wonderful weekends
He was also dozing in the sun last weekend when we escaped, without 12 year old, to celebrate my birthday in Deal.....
Al was just saying how doing more things at weekends seems, in a bizarre way, be the secret to feeling that you've done more and yet not being shattered. Sounds weird I know.
On our last two weekends, we've been away for about 26 hours yet have been really chilled and relaxed and felt we've been away for ages. I recommend doing this much more often.
Here are some more photos of my favourite location - anywhere really that is beside the sea.
I have to admit to not rating Deal Pier at all, it didn't look much from the distance and as a result , we didn't go out on it. Realised later that it won an award in 2008 - Pier of the Year 2008 by the National Piers Society. Oops!! Read a bit about it here - http://www.doverdc.co.uk/news/press_releases/deal_pier_wins_national_award.aspx Yes, I'll go out there next time I visit.
And finally, like this photo too.
It's so important to chill, so important to recharge your batteries so please do.... You'll be more efficient and a nicer person to boot.
Friday, July 03, 2009
Praise for Breast Cancer Care
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Inspiration from Victoria Player
Today, after being out of the office a great deal, I'm in catch up mode and one of the things I needed to get to speed with was Victoria Players - "Women';s Entrepreneur Club" so I'm starting from scratch and getting to know what's going on etc.
I've just listened to Victoria's audio on "3 keys to turning online conversations into currency" and I thought it was excellent. What I was really impressed with was her really clear guidance on what she wanted her listeners to do next. One of those was posting on her blog. Now although I often intend to do that I don't often get round to it , yet today I did and it's inspired me to do so more often.
The information in the short audio was concise, simple and really inspirational so now I'm off to set my action points, diarise them and get going and then I'll listen again.
I have been spending a lot of time recently on my investment in social media/social networking and it's been great. I still have a lot to learn but I can see the communities growing very quickly and I know I'm going to reap the benefits here very soon.
I look forward to what Victoria offers next, I'm off to catch up a little more on this one.
If you want to get onto this too, visit http://www.womenentrepreneursclub.com/ or http://www.victoriaplayer.com/