Monday, June 01, 2009

All in a weekend.

What a wonderful weekend I've just been blessed to have. The weather was glorious so we spent every moment we could in the garden. We ate there, entertained, relaxed, did a little gardening and I also continued with my clearing and de-cluttering - a journey I've been on now for about 18 months.

The length of time could lead you to believe that my house is full of clutter. Not true at all but in my experience it all takes time. I've been working on it bit by bit when the time is right and often the clearing out brings up other things that need action.

An example of this is time spent in the attic where you often unearth things you didn't know were still there. In the attic were also a number of things that Ellie had outgrown and records of Al's , some of which could be worth some money. So the de-cluttering stopped as we photographed item and wrote them up to sell on ebay.

More recently I've been clearing books from the office and was able to start selling some of those to colleagues and people new to the coaching field. Over the weekend, I spent many pleasant hours on the sun lounger or in the hammock seat reading and looking through books to work out whether they should be kept or passed on.

Work in the office is in it's early stages. I have a clear image of how I want it to be and a book I found on Feng Shui will definitely help.

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