Tuesday, June 02, 2009

No camera, how sad.

When I walk I so often have my camera but neither yesterday morning first thing nor on my 'walk and talk' session today, did I have it with me.What a shame.

Yesterday I seemed to come across oodles and oodles of bright pink peony roses and I also met people like Mandy and her daughter Amy, whom I hadn't seen for ages.

Today, no peonies but Knighton woods in Buckhurst Hill was full of wonderful pink and purple rhododendons, yellow water lillies, birdsong and ducks. In the middle of our session, Hannake and I took time out to stop, listen and watch and there were so many different bird sounds.

Now I'm back in the office, the birds are still singing this time in the garden and tomorrow morning, I'm taking the camera.

Just one of the joys of walking.

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