Thursday, November 20, 2008

I wear it well - sometimes.

Reviewing some photos from the recent Professional Speakers Association (PSA) Convention which was the last event in Alan's year as President and found one of me in my finery as opposed to the walking gear that I am usually in when photos of me appear in this blog. What do you think?

It was so lovely to have an excuse to dress up and I felt so good. I also felt very appreciated when Alan thanked me from the stage for all my support. It came as a complete surprise and I got all emotional. It's just something I do and often it's just Ellie and me when he travels so we have good girlie time, yet, it was so nice for him to recognise my contribution. Just another one of the reasons I married this man.

Alan's had a great year and it was fitting that it ended on such a high. I'm so proud of him. Everyone now keeps asking about me having him at home. Don't believe it, he'll be off speaking throughout the world as usual. More excuses for dressing up in Phoenix in July next year!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Take your problems for a walk

Yes, that's right. Comfortable shoes and layers to keep you warm and go walk.
Due to it's meditational qualities, walking gets us into a rhythm both physically and mentally and it puts things into perspective and enables to think more widely and more clearly.

The act of walking in the fresh helps clear our heads so there is room to mull over the problems and challenges and the scenery acts to inspire and motivate.
Listen to what is coming to you as you walk and I bet you come back with a solution or at least more calmness and peace in which to finally work it out.
If you can't work things out alone, how about some 'walk and talk' -

Helpful additions to yesterdays blog.

In case you don't get round to reading blog comments, this one from Darlene was too helpful to miss so here you are.

I am a definite chocoholic. I find though, that if I stick to dark chocolate I only need a very little. It's the Christmas chocolates that do me in.

According to the site: Chocolate cravings are a sign of the body's need for Magnesium, and that they can be calmed by eating Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits.

And according to good quality chocolate is excellent for keeping the brain healthy.

They also say in this article: that 15 minutes of walking a day is also very beneficial to brain health.

Anyway, thanks for all your great info. I really enjoy reading it. Darlene
....and I really appreciate your input and all this guidance.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Want to kick your chocolate habit? Read on.....

I know, you love chocolate and if you could have a square or two at a time and leave the rest for later that would be great but it doesn't quite work that way does it? Well it doesn't for me and I guess there are a few of you out there who'd agree. If a box of chocolates gets opened in our house, just watch them go.....

Perhaps this research is just what you need then.

It was carried out at the University of Exeter and resulted in the finding that walking
Researchers at the University of Exeter have found that walking for just fifteen minutes can reduce chocolate cravings. The benefits of exercise in helping people manage dependencies is not new, it's been recognised to have a positive effect on cravings for nicotine and other drugs but not food cravings until now.

Twenty five regular chocolate eaters stopped eating chocolate for three days and then either rested or walked for 15 minutes. After that they were given tasks that would normally make them crave chocolate. Those who had exercised reported lower levels of craving.

Professor Adrian Taylor commented that "Neuroscientists have suggested common processes in the reward centres of the brain between drug and food addictions, and it may be that exercise effects brain chemicals that help to regulate mood and cravings. This could be good news for people who struggle to manage their cravings for sugary snacks and want to lose weight."

Apparently previous research has suggested that 97% of women and 68% of men experience food cravings and the food they want tends to be high in calories, fatty or sugary foods, with chocolate being the most commonly reported. Chocolate has a number of biologically active constituents that temporarily enhance our mood with a result that eating it can become a habit, particularly when we are under stress and when it is readily available, and perhaps when we are least active.

Ring any bells for you? It does for me.

Of course in small doses it's fine but too much does us no favours at all. As dark chocolate in small doses could be beneficial for your heart, try what I do and break it up into 2 square servings and put in a container in the fridge. In this way I find this amount satisfies me and I don't need more. That coupled with a walk which gets all the positive endorphins going may just be what you need.

Try it out and let me know how you get on and keep up to date with

Monday, November 17, 2008

Big gap

I knew it had been a while but got rather a surprise when I realised that it had been so long since I'd blogged.

November has been an interesting month, no let's not go there, it's basically not been a very good one. We all have them - bad times or down times - and they're all part of life's journey and the best thing to do is go through them.

I've felt pretty down at times and that's led me to do a lot of questioning about where I am, what I'm doing, whether it's working etc. Not sure I've got the answer yet but I have been making changes.

It's hard work but regular evaluation and review is important. Are you doing this? Mine was sort of forced upon me this - I usually do this at new year time - so the good thing this year is that I'm one step ahead. Now I just need to make sure I put it into practice.

You know when I started my personal development journey, I naively thought that I'd fix a,b and c and that would be great. Oh dear, the more you look into the more there is to deal with and consider and I now know that the journey never ends.

Am I sorry I started it? No, not at all. I am a much better person now and someone who knows myself pretty well.

Does it make life easier? Well, yes and no. I know what I want and what to do to get there so I don't settle for second best and that can be hard but I'm comfortable being me and I have more confidence etc and I do what I love most of the time.

..and I've got really good at reading the signs and responding. Are you on your journey? Do you want a companion? Can I help?