Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Should have read the whole piece...

Oops, I was so taken with the first part that only after blogging, did I finish it and of course that's powerful too so please read on.

"When we navigate through our business and our lives, we really don't realize how much we are reacting to our unconscious perceptions of what is going on around us. When we do realize that we are reacting to something, we start looking for agreement to justify how we are feeling... and you know what? We find it!! What do you want to find in your life? Love? Success? Health? What are your circumstances suggesting is your reality? Suggestions are nothing more than unconscious projections from your mind making you believe that everything is happening to you. Guess what it's not true!!
You have a choice and with that choice you can create anything you desire.

Activate that choice everyday and let yourself bask it the peace that is all around you!! "

Thanks again David - www.DavidNeagle.com

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