Sunday, April 29, 2007

What progress!

One of the things I wanted from this weekend was productivity and boy have I got it. I am feeling very calm and prepared now as I move into the last week before I go to Peru.

I had the trial run with the kitbag today and got everything in, it was really that easy and that is with my big jacket which I have not decided whether I am taking or not. There is extra room too. I emailed my packing list to the girls, some of whom are feeling rather lost about knowing what to take and Teresa (always on the ball) has added that hers is similar. Smile on face.

Really there are only last minute things to do now and some shopping for suntan cream and wetwipes.

Ellie is all ready and the accommodation is booked for Alan and me. I am really looking forward to having some one to one time with my lovely husband and some exercise is great walking areas. We are going to be on part of Offa's Dyke Path on Wednesday - I can feel the wish to walk it all rising!

I have also found out loads more about what we can do in California and to Ellie's pleasure there are a number of waterparks. Alan will be delighted with that too. I can spend time on the lazy river or go off walking.

Finally sorted through some of my mega paper piles and threw things out - great feeling and everything is so organised for more productivity tomorrow. Another good week coming up.

Lists and more lists

Due to my dedicated list making time on Friday, I started off yesterday with a pretty good idea of what I wanted to achieve.

Ellie is off to Glasbury in Wales tomorrow on her first outward bound trip so it was here that I started. In my subconscious thoughts I clearly was worried about not having the clothes list to handy so when I awoke at 6.00a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep, I started searching.

Searching for something usually has positive side effects and this was no exception. In going through piles of paper I was able to organise the filing, retrieve a few bills that needed paying and find the paper in question. The rest was relatively easy - the only challenge the old trainers which I shall go and have a final look for in a moment or two.

I also managed to research the ferry times for the Isle of Wight and perhaps I can leave Susan to finalise this when I am away. There will no doubt be responses from the rest of the girls today.

OK off on the shoe search......

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Random Huggers

Do you want to be one? Do you want to meet one?

Well until today I was no wiser than you, but then again what an assumption to make, you may be one of these generous people. If you are, I salute you and if you aren't read on.....

A couple of weeks ago I met a loved lady called Margedand she sent an email saying "I did this last year. It is *amazing* and absolutely worth it. Feel free to pass on to anyone you think might like to join in the loveliness." so I had a look at the website and am now so much better informed. Have a look at

Random Huggers day is Sunday May 6th and you can join in on an organised random hug - sounds a little strange to organise something random but you will understand when you read it, or you can organise your own.

With all the negative things happening in the world, we could all do with a little more affection.

If you do go to the website, click on 'power of a hug' on the bottom left of the home page, it's such a wonderful story.

The Inca Trail is not forgotten, I am still out there walking and working on my lists, today I had a great pedicure in preparation....

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The challenge of organising.

Organising anything is never easy and definitely not straight forward and the more people involved the harder it gets. I am sure many of you have experienced this in everything from family get togethers, to meetings, away days and for me walking trips.

The hardest thing, especially where pleasure is concerned is having to disappoint someone at some point as the dates suit everyone else better.

On going for the final confirmation for the Isle of Wight Walk, people's circumstances have changed since last discussed - that's why you go back for final go ahead but once again we are in flux. We'll get there but it would be so lovely to be able to wave that magic wand and take everyone.