Oh dear, well the blog went a little out the window at the end of last year which I'm not very proud of but I figure it's happened so no point in beating myself up about it. It's a
case of getting over it, moving on and planning to do better in 2010 and that's exactly what I intend to do.
It's been an interesting start to the year with all the snow which I initially
enjoyed. I hadn't planned to go far so hiding in the warm, cosy office at the bottom of the garden was great. It also gave me a chance to get on with the planning that I needed to do to get 2010 off to a good start. So that is well under way now, hence the reason for starting to blog again.
As this new decade starts, I'm really in a great place. For the past few years I've known that I wasn't quite in the right place. I was still coaching, running the walking business and exploring how I could move with that but the fit wasn't quite there. I knew I was out of alignment but I wasn't clear what to do to get back in there. Quite often I was really frustrated and unfulfilled and at times I thought I might have to stay like that - not a great vision.
However, I stuck with it, I read and tried to put it all into practice and went with my intuition which said it would all be OK and voila!
At the end of 2009, I was a much happier person, I felt calm and at peace and very blessed and I still feel like that. I know that now I'm in the place I want to be, the place that uses my skills totally and honours all those values and it feels great, it feels better than great but I'm not sure I can find the right words, there are so many.
So what am I doing?
I'm combining working with my husband as his Business Manager, he is a professional speaker - http://www.alanstevens.net/ and also runs http://mediacoach.com/ with my walking business which I have now made much more local in terms of the services it offers - http://www.walkerscoach.com/ and it's working well.
My walking is one of my passions but I cannot spread myself thinner and in this way I can really work with the ladies who want to get the best out of walking in the area that I live and I can also provide my 'walk and talk' sessions to the coaching clients who have wonderful small businesses in my area. In terms of trekking, I'm still off doing that so I can train local people but of course the site and the newsletter which will start again soon can be accessed by many more.
Working with Alan is something I would never have envisaged but it works well and I use my coaching, my relationship building, my organisational skills on a daily basis and I love it.
Is there a message? Well a couple - don't give up hope. If you feel that things are not right, don't put up with it, keep exploring, keep
believing that you can find the right place to be and you will. The persistence is necessary, even when you feel like giving up and finally read some good books. For me, the one that really helped was a book I have recommended before - 'Simple Abundance' by Sarah Ban
Breathnach. It's interesting that last year I managed, at last, to get through the entire book. Perhaps I should have achieved that earlier.
....and I'm still walking.
I can honestly say that I cannot quite believe how
happy and content I feel. I feel blessed and very abundant.
If I can help you get to that place, please get in touch for a chat.